
New blog! :D
I'm bored. Why oh why.
Well, been kinda stressed out lately.
I think somebody hates me. I think nobody loves me. I think i'm lonely, and that i dont have anybody.
Haha. Jk. Emo lah.

Aaaneways, Just got my com back. KENA FORMAT! :(
And everything's not how it used to be.
It's. All. So. DIFFERENT.

Well, I guess no one will find out bout this new blog of mine.
Coz i havent told anybody bout it's existance. Not just yet. Hehe.
So overall, I'm talking to myself.
Reading this crap that i typed, myself.
Laughing to all those cold jokes I created in this blog, myself.
Until the day somebody that knows me found out bout this blog.
Till then, I'm all ALONE. haha.

Well well, it's been a while huh.
I had my own life too.
My new life i mean.
Yeah. Had a new "special someone".
Only few of my friends knew bout it, but when it comes to his side, it's like, ALL of his friends.
Including his family, uncles, aunts, cousins. Yea.
And like, 9/10 of the people in bowling alley. Lol.

One question,
Am I liking this new life of mine?

My answer, not much.
Well, i love him. But does he really love me?
That's one question that's been haunting me from the 1st day he told me he liked me.
UNTIL NOW. I'm still doubt bout it.
So much for a girlfriend.
I dont think I'm a good gf for him neways.
Dont ask me why, coz i dont know why.
It's just a feeling of mine you know. Those doubting stuffs. I get it all the time.

But one thing's for sure.
I love him. But i'm scared.
Scared of what my friends might say bout him.
That really answers the part why only few of my friends knew bout this relationship.
Even my two closest friends didnt know bout this.
What a friend I am huh.

It's not that I dont treat them as my close friends.
It's just that I'm not ready yet.
Not just yet.
It's not the time for me to reveal the truth.
I let people discover and be surprised of this relationship of mine, themselves.
I dont tell, until they ask me "was it true u'r with that guy?", then I'll answer them.
But if they dont know a thing, then why tell?
Might as well keep it low. Right? :)

Well, lots of people were surprised when they found out bout this relationship.
their comments were

"both ur relationship are like beauty and the beast. Funny. I still cant believe it. But hey, he's a humourous guy. Just like his father. Isnt it? You both will get along well. Good good."

"seriously? since when? I CANT BELIEVE IT GIRL! *with a big smile on that face*"


"wow. this is unexpected. I mean, he's loud. And you, you're a shy and silent person. And now you're both together? You'll be happy Lucky. You will. He is very lucky to get you"

Those were positives ones. The negative ones, you dont wanna know.
I'm sad to have to hear those -ve comments. But since I'm in a relationship with him,
I have to accept and just listen to what people say.
As long as I know that I love him, no matter what people say, it's all crap stuffs to me.

Well, I've been having thoughts on our relationship.
Negative ones. But I hope I wont have to do something negative to get over it.
Fingers crossed :x

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