Blindfolded. Chapter 1 :]

A pair of blind-folded eyes were finally exposed to fresh air when a piece of cloth was removed after being stuck there for all these years.
All these years after she was tortured by agony. That piece of cloth was there to witness every little thing that happened to her. That piece of cloth became the pair of eyes for her. That piece of cloth wiped away her tears and tasted her bitter sadness. That piece of cloth was there when she felt miserably alone. That piece of cloth was there when she was angry to people she shouldnt be. That piece of cloth was there when she was being rude to her father and mother and perhaps, people around her.
That piece of cloth was attached to her the whole time, until one day, someone unattached it and that was when she sees the world, in a completely different angle. And realised that, that piece of clothing was called Anger Hatred. Funny when a piece of clothing turns out to be your feelings that blindfolded you all this while. And that was what happened to her.

It was one sunny day where Mr.Sun is hanging high up in the sky and taking over Mrs.Moon's job to light up our world. Clouds can be seen moving slowly as if the wind has a pair of mouth to blow them away and let us see the shy and clear blue sky that was hiding behind the clouds. Birds chirping, flapping their wings, singing their melody of whistling. Butterflies can be found resting on flowers with their beautiful colourful pair of wings that attracts children in the park to observe them with innocent looks on their faces. Wanted to go near but was afraid as if those butterflies will hurt them. Taking one or two steps behind when they pulled their small hands away after trying to reach for one of the butterfly that was seen resting on a rubbish bin beside a park bench. Children were circling the rubbish bin with their eyes on that one lil butterfly. Afraid of losing it. Mothers were chit chatting nearby with towels on their neck, little beads of sweat were spotted on their foreheads showing how hot of a day it was. A weather children loved so much because they can have fun at the park without mothers saying No Playing At the Park Because it's Raining.

It was a peaceful day at the park that was situated in the middle of a neighbourhood. A neighbourhood where everyone knows each other and live like a big family. But a peaceful day came to an end when she was screaming and yelling in pain with all her heart. Some of the adults that was working out in the park was shocked with the scream and tried to locate where the woman's voice came from. They approached the voice and found out that it was Sally who did the screaming. Wearing a duster, she was found lying on the garage floor with white fluids on the floor. Crying and sweating. Hairs untied and her fringe was all wet. Both hands on her watermelon-like stomach. Few woman ran to her and calmed her down. Mr.Docente, an Italian guy, in his 40's, 6 foot 2 tall, black hair and having signs, starting to become bold, tanned wrinkly skinned, immediately reached for his cellphone and called for the ambulance.

Holding Mrs.Soledad's hand so tightly in pain that made her hand red as Sally was placed on a stretcher and was rushed to the emergency room. Mr.Docente, one of the closest person to Sally's family was sitting outside, trying to call Sally's husband, Hephaiston Collins. Almost 30 phonecalls were made but it was useless, as Hephaiston's phone was out of reach. Hephaiston is a successful businessman selling American Ginseng that can be found wildly in the forests of North America. This had made him busy as he has to fly back and forth from New Mexico. They livc in a city in New Mexico, Santa Fe with the population of 72,056 people. With so many phonecalls that was done by Mr.Docente, he left Hephaiston a voicemail instead, telling him that his wife was submitted in Christus St. Vincent Regional Medical Center, hoping he'll take the first flight home after he listened to the voicemail.

Bright light was shining so brightly but all Sally can think of was the pain she's feeling. As if her stomach was gonna blow and the green veins on her head was getting obvious. She never stopped crying and was holding the nurse's hand so tightly after Mrs.Soledad was forbidden from coming into the room as she wasnt one of Sally's family members. Sally's pain can be seen from her face as she tried her very best to push the baby out of her womb. 8 hours of screaming, crying, sweating, hurting and exhausted, finally, that last push gave her a sigh of relief for one second. Silence.
Doctors and nurses was stunt and smiled. Their smiles cant be seen with facemasks on them, but their narrowed cheerfully eyes shows it all. A cry broke the silence and everyone in the room were happy as a soul is borned today. 1 was added to the population list of Santa Fe, making it 72,057.

A nurse came near to Sally and showed her, her baby, and it was a baby girl. Sally took her baby and smiled with tears of joy rolling down her cheek, and kissed her baby on the forehead. Looking at her baby deeply, smiling the whole time. And she said "Anastasia". She named her Anastasia. Hoping that she will rise again everytime she falls in the future. That was the meaning of her baby girl's name. One who shall rise again.

She looked at the nurse who took her baby to her, and somehow, the nurse leaned down, as if she can read Sally's eyes. Sally whispered to her and told her to give her baby to Mr.Docente and that Mr.Docente knows what he should give the baby girl. With the last word of "thanks", she kissed her baby once again and closed her eyes. Permenantly. The room that was filled with laughter because of the success of the borned baby, turns to an atmosphere of sadness when they realised that she was gone, forever. The population was once again, back to 72,056.

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