Quality time :]

Highlight(s) for the day:
- Bowling
- Movie
- Quality time

As the sun rays shines through the window room, and the sound of cars horning, water splashing, people talking, it shows that the night is over and yesterday's tomorrow is Today :]
A new day had begun, another day had passed, more things to come, more problems to face, but still, I wonder what will my future hold.

Anyways, today, went out with someone who I've been having a complicated issue with, but am now in a relationship :]
Talked with some friends, and they made me realise that I really should move on instead of making things harder and He made me realise that I shouldn't make myself suffer for the sake of other people's hapiness. What's the point of thinking bout how they feel if everything happened already and is now the past?
"Sometimes, we have to be a bit selfish", was the sentence that changed my mind.

Had fun though. First time bowling in KL. Sakai~ xD
But for the scores, might as well keep it to myself :X
It's been 3 days in a row watching movies. First and second was Monday and Tuesday, as KL Plaza is experiencing major breakdown of electricity. Thanks to the construction site *maybe it was them*, we woke up early in the morning to be prepared and the next thing you know, it was a waste of time and not to mention, the energy to tie your hair up.

Am now staying in Mr.Hilary's place cz Ms Chong told 3 of us to move here.
More and more new students are staying in the hostel, no more available apartments except for those which have some probs with it. And so, we have to move and stay until there's an apartment available for us to rent.

Well at least now, less mosquito will suck my blood out of me :)
Had fun spending time with You :)
Thank you :]

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