Highlight(s) for the day:
- Updates for the last 2-3 weeks
- Bloody truths
- Rushing like a pure KL-ian
- Confusion
- Cabin crew already?
- Migrating to Singapore
Ahh. Finally, a time for me to sit on the bed and relax myself after been rushing here and there around Peninsular. At least I can spend some time on updating my rotting blog and recall whatever happened the past few weeks. Most of them were sad memories. Life.
Well. went to Melaka on the 5th of May for education fair. And guess what, our Inter-Excel's so called enemy was there as well. Centuria. A fake "inter-excel". Something like that. There's a history behind everything and no, I'm lazy to type everything out, so, go figure :P
Neways, stayed in Melaka for a night and guess what, after the exhibition, we were told that one of the school in Seremban invited us for their education fair. And guess what, Centuria wasnt there because the school band them from coming. Wow-ness :]
And so, I was glad I brought extra formal shirt. Instinct maybe? :D
It was fun and all, going for exhibitions and at least I get to practise my public speaking/relationship. It's nice to talk to students and they even took pictures and asked for facebook add. Felt like a star for a day xD
What I really wasnt prepared for was the Silk Air's interview in Penang. Now that was a surprise for me. Right after I come back from Seremban and went off Alex's car around 2pm, and went up to the office, I was told to go back home straight away and pack my bag because Im going to Penang at 5.30pm. Great huh.
Everything was all last minute, or should I say, unorganised?
The days in Penang werent as fun as I thought it would be. Whatever happened in Penang, stays in Penang.
So I went for the first round on Saturday, which was the 8th of May and I got through the first round and was told to come back on Monday (10th of May). So I went for 2nd round and I passed and also Final. I was surprised I got through every stage because I didnt even prepared myself for anything.
And so, I thought I wont get any news from them. Guess what. Checked my mail on Wednesday night (12th of May) and I got a mail saying that I was selected! Now that's shocking. Was happy but sad at the same time. Regarding to some personal problems.
On saturday ( 15th of May), went for school talk again in Klang. This time, it's an all-girls-school called, Methodist Girls School. It's a very nice school with all the friendly students. Some asked whether Im a flight attendant and I said No, but thanks to Nick for breaking the news saying that I am selected to be one of Silk Air's cabin crew and was told to share my experiences. Ha! They approached me and asked me questions about Inter-Excel, but most of them ask bout skin care, isit hard to be a cabin crew, what should they do to be one, should they be like this, that and so. I feel happy that I get the chance to share some of my knowledge with them. A feeling of satisfaction :]
Anyhow, lately, I saw the true colours of someone. Someone I respected so much, and treated him like he's my father. But my respect towards him had faded away slowly. He broke my trust towards him and I feel so disappointed for being accused doing things I've never done. Not once, not twice, but thrice. Not only me, but other students. He wants fairness, but being unfair wont get you any fairness back. You dont use the name of God if you dont even respect the people around you. I wish someday, someone, or maybe God, will open up his heart and his eyes to see the blacks and the whites. We respected you so much, but you're the one who put it in mind saying that we dont and obviously, hated us.
You say you forgive and forget and let God decide. But actually, you're the one who made all the decisions yourself and sorry to say, disrespected us. You believe in God, and you should know, accusing his followers makes no difference by accusing Him. We live to love, not to hate. I'm sorry if I have been very rude, but there's nowhere else I can express my feelings besides telling it to someone who are close to me and also, bloggie. I hope someday you will realise everything that you have done. May God bless you.
Neways, just now around 2am or so, checked my mail and realised that I have to send my application for work permit and employment form had to be sent before 21st of May, and it is already 21st of May! (Happy Monthsary dear :])
So I got all panicked in the middle of the nite and feel like banging my head towards the wall. Thanks to him for calming me down.
So I decided to email the Senior Officer of Silk Air and tell her that I havent got my passport. Thank God she replied and gave me a valid date til 27th of May. So approximately around 2 hours ago, checked the MAS and AK website, and foolish me, should have known that MAS was fully booked. The only choice is AK. Great. Going back on Monday. Still can make it to celebrate momsy's 37th birthday though :)
So many things happened this month. And I can feel that May flies like a jetplane :D
I see people come and go. The sadness. And now there are only 5 of us in the hostel.
Jo, Flo, Moon, See Lay and I. Loneliness. I can even hear mosquitoes singing like choirs, singing We wanna suck more blood~ =.=
Huhhh. Boredom.
Cant wait to go back to Kota Kinabalu :]
Sha-Unn :)
Support :]
Highlight(s) for the day:
- Syifa
- Penelope
- Supporting dear
What a day :]
Woke up around 2something in the afternoon, thanks to dear for the wake up call or else i'll be sleeping my butt off until 5pm. Who knows huh? Anyways, supported dear the nite before that, which explains the reason why Im still in dreamland til 2pm.Went to his place with LRT and reached there around 1pm or so. Then he fetched me somewhere around 7-eleven.
What a journey. The nice big building which Jack and I was wondering what it was, is actually Mid Valley? Wathaa. Never thought that Mid Valley can be this far from the city. I thought it was near? Well, it was near to me when mom and I went there the other day. Reminds me of my heels. Gonna buy a new pair of black soon, as the old one is getting all the "wounds" on it. Poor thing. If the heels could speak, I think it wont say a thing to me, instead it'll scream in pain.
Imagine having a pair of heels that screams while you're walking :D
Anyways, arrived dear dear's home and he made me his maid-for-the-day. I could die sleeping in his room as it was, well, Im speechless bout it xD
Lipat selimut pun x pandai kah? :P
Well, I dont know where to start cz every corner of the room is in a mess. Boys~
Moments later, his parents were home. Jeng~ Getting all nervous and I could feel cold sweat on both my palms. His parents were friendly people. Sigh of relief~ :]
Went for lunch on the opposite side of dear's house. Chicken rice. I miss the boneless chicken rice I used to eat in Sabah. Wuuutz~ Thanks for the lunch aunty :]
Around 3.20 or so, dear and I went to Tropicana. It's like our Sutera Harbour in Kota Kinabalu. He always bowl there. Met his coach and few strangers. I'll remember that place for sure cz there was when I got bitten by those blood sucking creatures. Went out only for like 2 minutes and I got 6 reddish bites on both my legs. Gosh. Think I overeacted? I have an eye-witness. Shaun Chan :)
After that, went back home for a while and then all of us took off to Endah Parade. Wherever that is.
Good news, we finally reached there after I-dont-know-how-long -the-ride-is. I even got time to close my eyes for a while and slept. Then wake up again and close my eyes for a while and slept AGAIN for I dont know how many times. Well, dear slept for sure. Syok ah sleeping on my lap. With jacket sumore.
Bad new is, Boys Graded started late, so Boys Open will start late too. Around 10pm ? Great.
So we went for dinner first. Had sweet and sour chicken. Not bad I must say. Well, the mall is quite empty and not to mention, quiet. Im guessing that people dont go there often.
Finally they started bowling at 10.30pm . Yay.
Dear did okay. Whatever the result is, Im proud of you my dear xD
I can see that he was frust, but yea, this is life. We win some, we lose some. No big deal. As long as you had fun, that's all that matters :) During the tournament, I got a bit bored after the 3rd game. Seriously. I feel like sleeping. And I did. Just closed my eyes for a while and open, close and open, close and open ...... Then finally it's the last round already. *Doing the crazy dance*
We went to the lift at 2am sharp. Yes, that's how long the tournament is. 8 games, 2 person per lane, 3 hours and a half :]
I feel a lil bit of awkwardness as his parents is going to send me back to the hostel. I mean, it's already late and yea I feel guilty?
Neways, we stopped for light meal in this porridge shop and then the next stop would be where I'll be dropped. Grand Season Hotel, punya sebelah.
Then it's time to say goodbye. Uncle told dear to walk me to the frontdoor. That's very nice of him.
I thank them so much for everything today :]
Reached home around 3something in the morning and then slept around 4am? Fell asleep while texting. Sorry bos xD
dear called me around 2pm. Wake up call :D
Then nothing special happened today. Watched Syifa swim and ended up wet, thanks to those lil kids. Met some new friends, William and Grace, both 10 and 8 years old. Good swimmers they are. Syifa was a bit shy to talk to them, and who became friends with those kids? ME. Well, made them play with each other which makes me happy seeing them becoming friends so easily by just throwing a ball to each other. This is how innocent children can be. If only adults are like them. Forgive and forget easily. Then there wont be any wars or fightings. But they just have to make things complicated. Ah well, human beings. Tend to make things complicated.
Well, had lamb+chicken and chicken cream soup for dinner today. Had dinner with Jo and Syifa. And we watched this interesting movie called Penelope in Star Movies. Havent watched it yet? Go download then :P
Went back to hostel around 11.35pm. Ahh~
- Syifa
- Penelope
- Supporting dear
What a day :]
Woke up around 2something in the afternoon, thanks to dear for the wake up call or else i'll be sleeping my butt off until 5pm. Who knows huh? Anyways, supported dear the nite before that, which explains the reason why Im still in dreamland til 2pm.Went to his place with LRT and reached there around 1pm or so. Then he fetched me somewhere around 7-eleven.
What a journey. The nice big building which Jack and I was wondering what it was, is actually Mid Valley? Wathaa. Never thought that Mid Valley can be this far from the city. I thought it was near? Well, it was near to me when mom and I went there the other day. Reminds me of my heels. Gonna buy a new pair of black soon, as the old one is getting all the "wounds" on it. Poor thing. If the heels could speak, I think it wont say a thing to me, instead it'll scream in pain.
Imagine having a pair of heels that screams while you're walking :D
Anyways, arrived dear dear's home and he made me his maid-for-the-day. I could die sleeping in his room as it was, well, Im speechless bout it xD
Lipat selimut pun x pandai kah? :P
Well, I dont know where to start cz every corner of the room is in a mess. Boys~
Moments later, his parents were home. Jeng~ Getting all nervous and I could feel cold sweat on both my palms. His parents were friendly people. Sigh of relief~ :]
Went for lunch on the opposite side of dear's house. Chicken rice. I miss the boneless chicken rice I used to eat in Sabah. Wuuutz~ Thanks for the lunch aunty :]
Around 3.20 or so, dear and I went to Tropicana. It's like our Sutera Harbour in Kota Kinabalu. He always bowl there. Met his coach and few strangers. I'll remember that place for sure cz there was when I got bitten by those blood sucking creatures. Went out only for like 2 minutes and I got 6 reddish bites on both my legs. Gosh. Think I overeacted? I have an eye-witness. Shaun Chan :)
After that, went back home for a while and then all of us took off to Endah Parade. Wherever that is.
Good news, we finally reached there after I-dont-know-how-long -the-ride-is. I even got time to close my eyes for a while and slept. Then wake up again and close my eyes for a while and slept AGAIN for I dont know how many times. Well, dear slept for sure. Syok ah sleeping on my lap. With jacket sumore.
Bad new is, Boys Graded started late, so Boys Open will start late too. Around 10pm ? Great.
So we went for dinner first. Had sweet and sour chicken. Not bad I must say. Well, the mall is quite empty and not to mention, quiet. Im guessing that people dont go there often.
Finally they started bowling at 10.30pm . Yay.
Dear did okay. Whatever the result is, Im proud of you my dear xD
I can see that he was frust, but yea, this is life. We win some, we lose some. No big deal. As long as you had fun, that's all that matters :) During the tournament, I got a bit bored after the 3rd game. Seriously. I feel like sleeping. And I did. Just closed my eyes for a while and open, close and open, close and open ...... Then finally it's the last round already. *Doing the crazy dance*
We went to the lift at 2am sharp. Yes, that's how long the tournament is. 8 games, 2 person per lane, 3 hours and a half :]
I feel a lil bit of awkwardness as his parents is going to send me back to the hostel. I mean, it's already late and yea I feel guilty?
Neways, we stopped for light meal in this porridge shop and then the next stop would be where I'll be dropped. Grand Season Hotel, punya sebelah.
Then it's time to say goodbye. Uncle told dear to walk me to the frontdoor. That's very nice of him.
I thank them so much for everything today :]
Reached home around 3something in the morning and then slept around 4am? Fell asleep while texting. Sorry bos xD
dear called me around 2pm. Wake up call :D
Then nothing special happened today. Watched Syifa swim and ended up wet, thanks to those lil kids. Met some new friends, William and Grace, both 10 and 8 years old. Good swimmers they are. Syifa was a bit shy to talk to them, and who became friends with those kids? ME. Well, made them play with each other which makes me happy seeing them becoming friends so easily by just throwing a ball to each other. This is how innocent children can be. If only adults are like them. Forgive and forget easily. Then there wont be any wars or fightings. But they just have to make things complicated. Ah well, human beings. Tend to make things complicated.
Well, had lamb+chicken and chicken cream soup for dinner today. Had dinner with Jo and Syifa. And we watched this interesting movie called Penelope in Star Movies. Havent watched it yet? Go download then :P
Went back to hostel around 11.35pm. Ahh~
I wish I could pause the time and make it stay that way as long as possible :]
If we ever meet again :]
Highlight(s) for the day:
- Syifa
- Free?
- Drinking session
- Wake up call
- Freedom
Finally, I can breath easily once again. Hello old place! My beloved 3rd floor. I miss this place, and of course the people in it. Well, kinda sad though. As most of the old students and staffs are gone. And yes, once again, I wanted to say that time flies like a jetplane. Reminds me of the first day coming here. Cried like a baby and wanted to go home and away from this "horrible" place. YES, that's how I described KL in the first place. But once I get to know some friends, I dont feel like going back home anymore, cz I feel like this is my HOME.
Well maybe because back in Sabah, I'm lonely and have nobody to talk to at home besides, the walls perhaps? I was used to being alone and having everything to myself. But here, we live like a big family and the word "share" is often used in our daily life. We share almost everything. And of course, I love it very much. When I first came, the only people I remember is Wilbert, the tall guy in blue. Devan, the indian friendly guy in white, QiuMei, the girl who was stucked in the master bedroom, and some pretty girls whom I dont know the names to. Suffered for a few days for not getting used to the environment, and yes, felt lonely.
It's a sad thing to see all of them leave one by one. I didnt feel a thing when they left. But when I moved back from Sir's place, I realised that I miss them. I miss the people who used to live here. When Susan left, she hugged me before she go. Not to say that we're close, but still, we're housemates. It's an undescribable feeling.
Tomorrow, Xiao Meng and Eve are leaving. Wilbert and Xue Qin are leaving too. These people are quite close to me, and it's hard to say goodbye. I wish I could spend more time with them. But what can I do. It's fate :]
I hope they'll become cabin crews, and God's willing, I'll become one too. Who knows, we might meet in any airports. Isnt that a great thing? :]
Anyways, sorry for not having dinner with you lasnite Xiao Meng, was busy teaching this one girl maths, in chinese. She's a malay girl who happens to be studying in a chinese school, name's Syifa. Cute lil girl. I can see that she's quite lonely here. Both her siblings are in Perlis and she's the only one here. Only seven years old. She wanted to visit my place and then she brought me to her place too. Talked to her mom and played with her at the same time. I guess I should become a kindergarden or primary teacher as I love children so much :D
Well after that, I went back home because it's 11 and Syifa really needs her sleep. If I am to stay there, she'll never go to bed and will play play play and play. Kids~ Few moments later, Edwin, my so called slave texted me and said he wanted to have his dinner in Mfloor and asked me whether I wanna join or not, and why not. Im a night owl and 11pm is like 7am to me xD
Jo, Jocelyn, Edwin and I were sitting there together. Only Jocelyn and him ate. Jo and I minum2. After that, Jocelyn went up, and Stewart came with a bottle of wine. These people really know how to enjoy life. So four of us, Stewart, Ed, Jo and I took some wine glasses that the uncle from Vistana Cafe borrowed us and drank beside the pool. Drinking while talking with some musics really is a way to relax. It was fun talking to them. Stewart and Ed have a lot of stories to share, while Jo and I listen and laugh/smile to their stories. We talked for hours. Until 3.30am or so, then we went up.
And now I am here, typing. Looking forward to meet Syifa tonight :]
Love You so much dear :]
R.I.P wherever you are, my dear grandpa :)
Stanely Steven, Aubrey Bidi, I miss both of you :]
- Syifa
- Free?
- Drinking session
- Wake up call
- Freedom
Finally, I can breath easily once again. Hello old place! My beloved 3rd floor. I miss this place, and of course the people in it. Well, kinda sad though. As most of the old students and staffs are gone. And yes, once again, I wanted to say that time flies like a jetplane. Reminds me of the first day coming here. Cried like a baby and wanted to go home and away from this "horrible" place. YES, that's how I described KL in the first place. But once I get to know some friends, I dont feel like going back home anymore, cz I feel like this is my HOME.
Well maybe because back in Sabah, I'm lonely and have nobody to talk to at home besides, the walls perhaps? I was used to being alone and having everything to myself. But here, we live like a big family and the word "share" is often used in our daily life. We share almost everything. And of course, I love it very much. When I first came, the only people I remember is Wilbert, the tall guy in blue. Devan, the indian friendly guy in white, QiuMei, the girl who was stucked in the master bedroom, and some pretty girls whom I dont know the names to. Suffered for a few days for not getting used to the environment, and yes, felt lonely.
It's a sad thing to see all of them leave one by one. I didnt feel a thing when they left. But when I moved back from Sir's place, I realised that I miss them. I miss the people who used to live here. When Susan left, she hugged me before she go. Not to say that we're close, but still, we're housemates. It's an undescribable feeling.
Tomorrow, Xiao Meng and Eve are leaving. Wilbert and Xue Qin are leaving too. These people are quite close to me, and it's hard to say goodbye. I wish I could spend more time with them. But what can I do. It's fate :]
I hope they'll become cabin crews, and God's willing, I'll become one too. Who knows, we might meet in any airports. Isnt that a great thing? :]
Anyways, sorry for not having dinner with you lasnite Xiao Meng, was busy teaching this one girl maths, in chinese. She's a malay girl who happens to be studying in a chinese school, name's Syifa. Cute lil girl. I can see that she's quite lonely here. Both her siblings are in Perlis and she's the only one here. Only seven years old. She wanted to visit my place and then she brought me to her place too. Talked to her mom and played with her at the same time. I guess I should become a kindergarden or primary teacher as I love children so much :D
Well after that, I went back home because it's 11 and Syifa really needs her sleep. If I am to stay there, she'll never go to bed and will play play play and play. Kids~ Few moments later, Edwin, my so called slave texted me and said he wanted to have his dinner in Mfloor and asked me whether I wanna join or not, and why not. Im a night owl and 11pm is like 7am to me xD
Jo, Jocelyn, Edwin and I were sitting there together. Only Jocelyn and him ate. Jo and I minum2. After that, Jocelyn went up, and Stewart came with a bottle of wine. These people really know how to enjoy life. So four of us, Stewart, Ed, Jo and I took some wine glasses that the uncle from Vistana Cafe borrowed us and drank beside the pool. Drinking while talking with some musics really is a way to relax. It was fun talking to them. Stewart and Ed have a lot of stories to share, while Jo and I listen and laugh/smile to their stories. We talked for hours. Until 3.30am or so, then we went up.
And now I am here, typing. Looking forward to meet Syifa tonight :]
Love You so much dear :]
R.I.P wherever you are, my dear grandpa :)
Stanely Steven, Aubrey Bidi, I miss both of you :]
Quality time :]
Highlight(s) for the day:
- Bowling
- Movie
- Quality time
As the sun rays shines through the window room, and the sound of cars horning, water splashing, people talking, it shows that the night is over and yesterday's tomorrow is Today :]
A new day had begun, another day had passed, more things to come, more problems to face, but still, I wonder what will my future hold.
Anyways, today, went out with someone who I've been having a complicated issue with, but am now in a relationship :]
Talked with some friends, and they made me realise that I really should move on instead of making things harder and He made me realise that I shouldn't make myself suffer for the sake of other people's hapiness. What's the point of thinking bout how they feel if everything happened already and is now the past?
"Sometimes, we have to be a bit selfish", was the sentence that changed my mind.
Had fun though. First time bowling in KL. Sakai~ xD
But for the scores, might as well keep it to myself :X
It's been 3 days in a row watching movies. First and second was Monday and Tuesday, as KL Plaza is experiencing major breakdown of electricity. Thanks to the construction site *maybe it was them*, we woke up early in the morning to be prepared and the next thing you know, it was a waste of time and not to mention, the energy to tie your hair up.
Am now staying in Mr.Hilary's place cz Ms Chong told 3 of us to move here.
More and more new students are staying in the hostel, no more available apartments except for those which have some probs with it. And so, we have to move and stay until there's an apartment available for us to rent.
Well at least now, less mosquito will suck my blood out of me :)
Had fun spending time with You :)
Thank you :]
- Bowling
- Movie
- Quality time
As the sun rays shines through the window room, and the sound of cars horning, water splashing, people talking, it shows that the night is over and yesterday's tomorrow is Today :]
A new day had begun, another day had passed, more things to come, more problems to face, but still, I wonder what will my future hold.
Anyways, today, went out with someone who I've been having a complicated issue with, but am now in a relationship :]
Talked with some friends, and they made me realise that I really should move on instead of making things harder and He made me realise that I shouldn't make myself suffer for the sake of other people's hapiness. What's the point of thinking bout how they feel if everything happened already and is now the past?
"Sometimes, we have to be a bit selfish", was the sentence that changed my mind.
Had fun though. First time bowling in KL. Sakai~ xD
But for the scores, might as well keep it to myself :X
It's been 3 days in a row watching movies. First and second was Monday and Tuesday, as KL Plaza is experiencing major breakdown of electricity. Thanks to the construction site *maybe it was them*, we woke up early in the morning to be prepared and the next thing you know, it was a waste of time and not to mention, the energy to tie your hair up.
Am now staying in Mr.Hilary's place cz Ms Chong told 3 of us to move here.
More and more new students are staying in the hostel, no more available apartments except for those which have some probs with it. And so, we have to move and stay until there's an apartment available for us to rent.
Well at least now, less mosquito will suck my blood out of me :)
Had fun spending time with You :)
Thank you :]
Updates :]
Highlight(s) for the day:
- Major breakdown
- Complicated
It's been a while since I last blog. Lots of things had happened in these few weeks. Made me realise how fast time flies.
It's been a month since I joined Inter-Excel.
Last 2nd of April til 14th of April, went back to Kota Kinabalu for 8 days and to Miri for 4 days after that.
My partnerIN CRIME was Jack, who happens to be one of my coursemate from Miri which is 4 years older than I am. East people :]
When we reached KK, the first place we went to was Secret Recipe. To find one of my closest friend, Stanely Steven. I missed him so much as the last time we met was 29th of December 2009, before he went for National Service in Melaka. He happens to be the one who understands me and it feels like as if we're twins with different mothers. Of course, he was shocked as I told him that my flight is at noon and i'll reach KK at 6 in the evening. Surprise surprise~
Well, after Secret Recipe, went back home, and again, both my parents were surprised, as I told them that I was going back on the 2nd week of April. Mom got all over reacted and i think the whole neighbourhood can hear her loud voice saying "Nak! You're back! This IS a surprise! I tot you said next week?? ". Then there she goes calling my dad and stuffs. Mothers~ :]
Why the sudden surprise? Well, I just feel like it. A little surprise wont bite :)
Friends were surprised too, and Im sorry for those who I didnt get the chance to meet and hang out with yea. Been busy going to schools for talks as Mr Hilary sent Chelsea and Nick to Sabah and wanted Jack and I to help them out. Well, we did. Both in KK and Miri, became GPS and also their drivers/ tour guides :]
I thank Mr Hilary a lot for allowing us to go back to our hometowns and also exposing us with some public relationships and gaining experiences in social activities. Had fun the whole time in KK and Miri. I really really had fun with Aubrey Bidi, Stanely Steven and Jack Goh during our outings to 1Borneo. It was a day to remember as Aubrey, Stan and I never had the chance to hang out together eventhough we're close like peanut butter and jam. Euwww?
Reminds me of the old days. Highschool life. I wish I could turn back time now.
Everything happened in just a blink of an eye when Inter Excel called me and told me to go for the talk in Promenade Hotel. I got interested and registered on spot and the next thing you know, Im in KL studying this course, gettin to know more people, and the best part is, we're all from different states. It's like we achieved the One Malaysia thing and are pulling the bond between us closer and closer like we're one big family.
I didnt regret taking up this course eventhough Im far from my hometown. At least I get to learn something new here and trying to achieve one goal. And that goal is, to become a successful cabin crew :]
Never had it crossed my mind that me, taking up a flight attendant course and fly with any of the airlines.
Before this, it was, waking up, eat, bath, online, sleep and it goes again and again every single day. Lifeless I must say?
I feel like a useless brat where I have nothing else to do but wasting time.
Now at least, God answered my prayers and showed me a way. A way to stop everything and start acting like a useful person.
And now Im here. At least somewhere or something to do with and I make the decision whether I wanted a bright future or end up jobless and let my parents take care of me and use their cash til their last breath. Well, of course that's not the kind of life I would like to end up with.
Well, when I first joined this class, I joined it for fun though. But someone made me realise that, why waste your time to take this as a game but not be serious on it. Thanks to Mr Hilary. He changed my mindset towards everything and was the one who made me realise that I have to have a goal in life rather than being a lost soul doing nothing :]
Something new happened lately. Whether it's a good thing or not, Im still wondering.
But as you said, let the One who's above us answer everything :]
- Major breakdown
- Complicated
It's been a while since I last blog. Lots of things had happened in these few weeks. Made me realise how fast time flies.
It's been a month since I joined Inter-Excel.
Last 2nd of April til 14th of April, went back to Kota Kinabalu for 8 days and to Miri for 4 days after that.
My partner
When we reached KK, the first place we went to was Secret Recipe. To find one of my closest friend, Stanely Steven. I missed him so much as the last time we met was 29th of December 2009, before he went for National Service in Melaka. He happens to be the one who understands me and it feels like as if we're twins with different mothers. Of course, he was shocked as I told him that my flight is at noon and i'll reach KK at 6 in the evening. Surprise surprise~
Well, after Secret Recipe, went back home, and again, both my parents were surprised, as I told them that I was going back on the 2nd week of April. Mom got all over reacted and i think the whole neighbourhood can hear her loud voice saying "Nak! You're back! This IS a surprise! I tot you said next week?? ". Then there she goes calling my dad and stuffs. Mothers~ :]
Why the sudden surprise? Well, I just feel like it. A little surprise wont bite :)
Friends were surprised too, and Im sorry for those who I didnt get the chance to meet and hang out with yea. Been busy going to schools for talks as Mr Hilary sent Chelsea and Nick to Sabah and wanted Jack and I to help them out. Well, we did. Both in KK and Miri, became GPS and also their drivers/ tour guides :]
I thank Mr Hilary a lot for allowing us to go back to our hometowns and also exposing us with some public relationships and gaining experiences in social activities. Had fun the whole time in KK and Miri. I really really had fun with Aubrey Bidi, Stanely Steven and Jack Goh during our outings to 1Borneo. It was a day to remember as Aubrey, Stan and I never had the chance to hang out together eventhough we're close like peanut butter and jam. Euwww?
Reminds me of the old days. Highschool life. I wish I could turn back time now.
Everything happened in just a blink of an eye when Inter Excel called me and told me to go for the talk in Promenade Hotel. I got interested and registered on spot and the next thing you know, Im in KL studying this course, gettin to know more people, and the best part is, we're all from different states. It's like we achieved the One Malaysia thing and are pulling the bond between us closer and closer like we're one big family.
I didnt regret taking up this course eventhough Im far from my hometown. At least I get to learn something new here and trying to achieve one goal. And that goal is, to become a successful cabin crew :]
Never had it crossed my mind that me, taking up a flight attendant course and fly with any of the airlines.
Before this, it was, waking up, eat, bath, online, sleep and it goes again and again every single day. Lifeless I must say?
I feel like a useless brat where I have nothing else to do but wasting time.
Now at least, God answered my prayers and showed me a way. A way to stop everything and start acting like a useful person.
And now Im here. At least somewhere or something to do with and I make the decision whether I wanted a bright future or end up jobless and let my parents take care of me and use their cash til their last breath. Well, of course that's not the kind of life I would like to end up with.
Well, when I first joined this class, I joined it for fun though. But someone made me realise that, why waste your time to take this as a game but not be serious on it. Thanks to Mr Hilary. He changed my mindset towards everything and was the one who made me realise that I have to have a goal in life rather than being a lost soul doing nothing :]
Something new happened lately. Whether it's a good thing or not, Im still wondering.
But as you said, let the One who's above us answer everything :]
Home alone :]
Highlight(s) for the day:
- Alone
- Housemaid
- Boredom
First of all, I would like to thank Mr Hilary aka Sir or our so called director of Inter-Excel Advisory Sdn Bhd for letting me to sleep at home instead of going to class today :D
When I woke up, went out of the room and then I realised I was the only one at home. Awesome.
Devan, Xiao Mi, Shi Yu, See Lay, Susan, Chee Mun and Po Shuen were all gone missing. Qiu Mei went back to Melaka already last Tuesday. So yea, I'm all by myself. Looked at the time and it was around 12.30 already.
So after mandi and all, went to Mfloor to tapau my brunch. Nasi Goreng Pattaya. Ahh~ Reminds me of the old days at school :)
So I went up and ate what I bought and then, walked around the house like a lost soul. It was kinda messy, and so, I decided to clean up the house. From the shoes and slippers to tables to living room to kitchen, to room to toilet. While I was washing the towel I used to wipe the table, the doorbell goes "Ding Dong~". Looked thru the pimphole and saw Po Shuen. Yes, then I remembered that she woke me up and told me this morning that she'll come back home early and then I went back to dreamland again :)
Few minutes later, she went out and said "Im goin to my bro's house ah~". There goes my other roomate. So Qiu Mei and Po Shuen were both back in Melaka and Johor ady, tonite I'll be sleeping alone then :]
After Im done cleaning the last part of the house, the bathroom in my room, I finally sighed as a sign of relief and sat on the bed playing my lappy. Moments later, the doorbell goes Ding Dong again. This time, a lot of times. Gosh. I thought it was some annoying fella trying to test my patience, but to my surprise, it was An An (Anton) from 6th floor. He's back already? xD
Him, standing in front of the door in 3rd floor somehow tells me that nobody was home at 6th floor. Then Kakak Yanti came too with a big luggage. An An was surprised that I didnt go to class today cz he thought that I am going for the MAS interview this Saturday. People keep on asking me why.
Hello~ underaged newbie here. Besides, I only went to few classes. Not ready yet :]
So now, I am here, typing while enjoying munching on some chipsmore I bought before I went to Ipoh.
Talking bout Ipoh, it was some adventure. Awesome-ness :D
Reached there last Wednesday night and came back on Monday noon. I really enjoyed my days there.
For the first two days, we slept at Chee Mun's house. Then the 3rd, 4th day, we slept in a hotel called Regency Tower. 5th day, we packed and took a bus to KL again at 9.30am.
Sir booked a apartment-like hotel and it was beautiful I tell ya! Too bad I didnt took any pictures of it.
We went to Ipoh cz there's this exhibition there. Chee Mun, Jack, See Lay and I were the ones from KL. On the first day, each one of us went to a shool and had a booth there. It was boring for me. After that, around 1 or 2, Jack came to my school with a cab and we both headed to Ipoh Parade, one of the shopping mall in Ipoh. We had a booth there too. And hello bookfair! :D
On the 2nd day, some Penang girls from Inter-Excel came too. Ivy, Diana, Irene and Shih Wei. Friendly people :)
They were in Ipoh till Sunday. Thanks for the muffins Diana. We, the students from KL, appreaciate that a lot.
We really had a good time there in Ipoh. Oh ya, I forgot to mention Ivan. He was from Ipoh too. And was the one who fetched us from the bus terminal and also our tour guide. He drove us to this Kinta River. Used to be a place where it was a tin mining area. And then he showed us the train station, the parks and stuffs. Mostly historical places lah.
Before that, he bawa us to makan our dinner cz we reached Ipoh around 8 something if Im not mistaken. We ate the famous chicken rice in Ipoh which I forgot the name to it. But Ivan said it wasnt as nice as the other shop which happens to be closed that day :(
In that 5 days, we went to different restaurants. Where the foods were very nice and you cant find that in KL. Reminds me of Mr Hilary. He bawa Chee Mun and I to this restaurant that serves banana leaf meal as lunch. My 3rd time eating that dish :D
Then on Saturday and Sunday nite, we had "drinking session" after work in our hotel. Thanks to Mr Hilary again xD
Almost every nite there I sleep around 3-5am. There was a day that I slept at 5.40am sumtin. Gosh.
On sunday nite, we watched football with Mr Hilary. ManU won 3-0. Funny when you see the way he shouts, cursing and all. But in the end, his team won too :]
Neways, the view from our hotel's balcony is really nice. The mountains and all. City surrounded by mountains.
Limestone hills actually. Sadly I didnt get the chance to visit the Cave temples there. Will go back there again someday.
I miss my purple Chihuahua in Ipoh :]
- Alone
- Housemaid
- Boredom
First of all, I would like to thank Mr Hilary aka Sir or our so called director of Inter-Excel Advisory Sdn Bhd for letting me to sleep at home instead of going to class today :D
When I woke up, went out of the room and then I realised I was the only one at home. Awesome.
Devan, Xiao Mi, Shi Yu, See Lay, Susan, Chee Mun and Po Shuen were all gone missing. Qiu Mei went back to Melaka already last Tuesday. So yea, I'm all by myself. Looked at the time and it was around 12.30 already.
So after mandi and all, went to Mfloor to tapau my brunch. Nasi Goreng Pattaya. Ahh~ Reminds me of the old days at school :)
So I went up and ate what I bought and then, walked around the house like a lost soul. It was kinda messy, and so, I decided to clean up the house. From the shoes and slippers to tables to living room to kitchen, to room to toilet. While I was washing the towel I used to wipe the table, the doorbell goes "Ding Dong~". Looked thru the pimphole and saw Po Shuen. Yes, then I remembered that she woke me up and told me this morning that she'll come back home early and then I went back to dreamland again :)
Few minutes later, she went out and said "Im goin to my bro's house ah~". There goes my other roomate. So Qiu Mei and Po Shuen were both back in Melaka and Johor ady, tonite I'll be sleeping alone then :]
After Im done cleaning the last part of the house, the bathroom in my room, I finally sighed as a sign of relief and sat on the bed playing my lappy. Moments later, the doorbell goes Ding Dong again. This time, a lot of times. Gosh. I thought it was some annoying fella trying to test my patience, but to my surprise, it was An An (Anton) from 6th floor. He's back already? xD
Him, standing in front of the door in 3rd floor somehow tells me that nobody was home at 6th floor. Then Kakak Yanti came too with a big luggage. An An was surprised that I didnt go to class today cz he thought that I am going for the MAS interview this Saturday. People keep on asking me why.
Hello~ underaged newbie here. Besides, I only went to few classes. Not ready yet :]
So now, I am here, typing while enjoying munching on some chipsmore I bought before I went to Ipoh.
Talking bout Ipoh, it was some adventure. Awesome-ness :D
Reached there last Wednesday night and came back on Monday noon. I really enjoyed my days there.
For the first two days, we slept at Chee Mun's house. Then the 3rd, 4th day, we slept in a hotel called Regency Tower. 5th day, we packed and took a bus to KL again at 9.30am.
Sir booked a apartment-like hotel and it was beautiful I tell ya! Too bad I didnt took any pictures of it.
We went to Ipoh cz there's this exhibition there. Chee Mun, Jack, See Lay and I were the ones from KL. On the first day, each one of us went to a shool and had a booth there. It was boring for me. After that, around 1 or 2, Jack came to my school with a cab and we both headed to Ipoh Parade, one of the shopping mall in Ipoh. We had a booth there too. And hello bookfair! :D
On the 2nd day, some Penang girls from Inter-Excel came too. Ivy, Diana, Irene and Shih Wei. Friendly people :)
They were in Ipoh till Sunday. Thanks for the muffins Diana. We, the students from KL, appreaciate that a lot.
We really had a good time there in Ipoh. Oh ya, I forgot to mention Ivan. He was from Ipoh too. And was the one who fetched us from the bus terminal and also our tour guide. He drove us to this Kinta River. Used to be a place where it was a tin mining area. And then he showed us the train station, the parks and stuffs. Mostly historical places lah.
Before that, he bawa us to makan our dinner cz we reached Ipoh around 8 something if Im not mistaken. We ate the famous chicken rice in Ipoh which I forgot the name to it. But Ivan said it wasnt as nice as the other shop which happens to be closed that day :(
In that 5 days, we went to different restaurants. Where the foods were very nice and you cant find that in KL. Reminds me of Mr Hilary. He bawa Chee Mun and I to this restaurant that serves banana leaf meal as lunch. My 3rd time eating that dish :D
Then on Saturday and Sunday nite, we had "drinking session" after work in our hotel. Thanks to Mr Hilary again xD
Almost every nite there I sleep around 3-5am. There was a day that I slept at 5.40am sumtin. Gosh.
On sunday nite, we watched football with Mr Hilary. ManU won 3-0. Funny when you see the way he shouts, cursing and all. But in the end, his team won too :]
Neways, the view from our hotel's balcony is really nice. The mountains and all. City surrounded by mountains.
Limestone hills actually. Sadly I didnt get the chance to visit the Cave temples there. Will go back there again someday.
I miss my purple Chihuahua in Ipoh :]
First times :]
Highlight(s) for the day:
- Pavillion
- First class
- Break the ice
- Dinner
Feeling all freshen up now after taking my long nice shower. Today, was awesome. Shall I say that again?
A.W.E.S.O.M.E :)
Neways, met some new frenz, Yaw Yuen, she's the friendliest girl here and talks a lot too :D
And Winsy, a newbie, like me! :]
Became closer to Ning Yi too, my housemate that's gonna move to 6th floor tomorrow cz she feels like it. There goes my friend~
So I woke up at 8 this morning, dont wanna be late for my first day and and I dont wanna give Ning Yi a bad impression cz we're goin to class together. So I got ready early, took my bath and all, and Charlotte was like "you dressed up this early?', then I go, yea :D
Went out of the room to get my clothes hang outside and saw Ning Yi, still in her baju rumah. Well, I didnt care much as long as I am all dressed up. No worries for mua. I got all the time of the world. And so, it was 9.30am, still early, so I online-d as usual. Guess what, Ning Yi and the girl from 19th floor (Yaw Yuen) told me to meet them at Gfloor by 11.30am, cz they're goin up to 19th floor. And so, I stayed in my room til 11.15, then went to Mfloor to the mini market and buy a comb. My comb terlampau small, hard for me to comb my thick hair. And talking bout my thick hair, my nail patah again because it got stucked while I was tie-ing my hair. How ironic is that.
So, they were kinda punctual. As in punctual lah. 2 minutes late, but still xD
We walked to Grand Season Hotel that was next to our kondo and cari taxi. Apparently, the taxi(s) here taknak bisnes, as they reject some of the passengers (including us). KL-ians~
So we waited for another person known as An An. I thought IT was a girl, turns out to be a boy pula. He's an Indonesian. Chinese-Indonesian. I first thought he was a local since he looks like a pure chinese, but thanks to my class that I attended after that, I get to know my classmates more :)
Sooo~ we went to Pavillion first, for lunch. RM10 only oh the taxi ride :)
We had lunch somewhere, I think it's basement lah, as most of the foodcourts are in basement. It was huge. Got Little Taiwan, Ipoh something2, Mee, Kuey tiaw, Korean foods, Malays, Western, Italian. But I dont find any Philipino foods here :P
I had porridge and chakui (i forgot the english name for it), same as Ning Yi. Full oh. It was worth the try :]
After that, we walked to KL plaza where we're gonna have our class at. It was just on the other side of the road.
Walking with heels on is still not my profession. What again if you have to run to cross the busy street so that cars wont bump into you. Terrible place.
My first lesson was awesome.
Had a stewardress who had been in this field for 10years. She worked for MAS before and currently am working for Fireflies. She is so beautiful and friendly and all. She's like an angel sent from above :D
She just got married. Tough luck guys.
Neways, she taught us about what we should have as a flight attendant, how we should act, appearance, attitude and all that. Then we were told to answer the questions in our book. page 11-13. I think there's 30 or more questions. Then she paired each one of us and told us to introduce our partner to everyone. I was the first pair as I was sittin in front. Nervous much!
It was something like "Break the ice". Had a good time and laughed a lot too.
They were all very pretty and good looking :)
I have to change the way I talk from now on. No more "lah", "kah" or watsoever that's not English. This is gonna be hard.
After class, we went back to our hostel by taxi. There were 4 of us. Traffic jam. As usual~
I still think that it is necesarry that the students that's living in the hostel should have transport to pick and fetch us up. Monorail station is near, yes, but imagine the heat and all. We gt roasted every now and then. And not to mention the cash that we have to spend. I'll say rm50 per day, and it's gonna be like rm1500++ per month lah. Oh gosh. The rent some more, rm370. Almost 2k.
We had our dinner at MFloor. Nasi goreng again. My pimples are now polluting my face with all the annoying red spots. I ordered brocolli. rm3.00 for 5 pieces. WHAT.
After dinner, Yaw Yuen wanted to go to 7E, to buy magazine I think, so 5 of us (Yaw Yuen, Charlotte, Ning Yi, Winsy and I) walked there. It was very near. And now then I know that the building that I can see from my room's window is actually a hospital.
Neways, I got along well with Charlotte, as she is also a new student. She said she heard bout me back at her hostel. People here seems to know me without me telling them who I am. Even just now when I wanted to claim my book, the girl from the office was like, Lucky isit? Awesome. I am famous already. NOT xD
I guess God answered my prayers :D
- Pavillion
- First class
- Break the ice
- Dinner
Feeling all freshen up now after taking my long nice shower. Today, was awesome. Shall I say that again?
A.W.E.S.O.M.E :)
Neways, met some new frenz, Yaw Yuen, she's the friendliest girl here and talks a lot too :D
And Winsy, a newbie, like me! :]
Became closer to Ning Yi too, my housemate that's gonna move to 6th floor tomorrow cz she feels like it. There goes my friend~
So I woke up at 8 this morning, dont wanna be late for my first day and and I dont wanna give Ning Yi a bad impression cz we're goin to class together. So I got ready early, took my bath and all, and Charlotte was like "you dressed up this early?', then I go, yea :D
Went out of the room to get my clothes hang outside and saw Ning Yi, still in her baju rumah. Well, I didnt care much as long as I am all dressed up. No worries for mua. I got all the time of the world. And so, it was 9.30am, still early, so I online-d as usual. Guess what, Ning Yi and the girl from 19th floor (Yaw Yuen) told me to meet them at Gfloor by 11.30am, cz they're goin up to 19th floor. And so, I stayed in my room til 11.15, then went to Mfloor to the mini market and buy a comb. My comb terlampau small, hard for me to comb my thick hair. And talking bout my thick hair, my nail patah again because it got stucked while I was tie-ing my hair. How ironic is that.
So, they were kinda punctual. As in punctual lah. 2 minutes late, but still xD
We walked to Grand Season Hotel that was next to our kondo and cari taxi. Apparently, the taxi(s) here taknak bisnes, as they reject some of the passengers (including us). KL-ians~
So we waited for another person known as An An. I thought IT was a girl, turns out to be a boy pula. He's an Indonesian. Chinese-Indonesian. I first thought he was a local since he looks like a pure chinese, but thanks to my class that I attended after that, I get to know my classmates more :)
Sooo~ we went to Pavillion first, for lunch. RM10 only oh the taxi ride :)
We had lunch somewhere, I think it's basement lah, as most of the foodcourts are in basement. It was huge. Got Little Taiwan, Ipoh something2, Mee, Kuey tiaw, Korean foods, Malays, Western, Italian. But I dont find any Philipino foods here :P
I had porridge and chakui (i forgot the english name for it), same as Ning Yi. Full oh. It was worth the try :]
After that, we walked to KL plaza where we're gonna have our class at. It was just on the other side of the road.
Walking with heels on is still not my profession. What again if you have to run to cross the busy street so that cars wont bump into you. Terrible place.
My first lesson was awesome.
Had a stewardress who had been in this field for 10years. She worked for MAS before and currently am working for Fireflies. She is so beautiful and friendly and all. She's like an angel sent from above :D
She just got married. Tough luck guys.
Neways, she taught us about what we should have as a flight attendant, how we should act, appearance, attitude and all that. Then we were told to answer the questions in our book. page 11-13. I think there's 30 or more questions. Then she paired each one of us and told us to introduce our partner to everyone. I was the first pair as I was sittin in front. Nervous much!
It was something like "Break the ice". Had a good time and laughed a lot too.
They were all very pretty and good looking :)
I have to change the way I talk from now on. No more "lah", "kah" or watsoever that's not English. This is gonna be hard.
After class, we went back to our hostel by taxi. There were 4 of us. Traffic jam. As usual~
I still think that it is necesarry that the students that's living in the hostel should have transport to pick and fetch us up. Monorail station is near, yes, but imagine the heat and all. We gt roasted every now and then. And not to mention the cash that we have to spend. I'll say rm50 per day, and it's gonna be like rm1500++ per month lah. Oh gosh. The rent some more, rm370. Almost 2k.
We had our dinner at MFloor. Nasi goreng again. My pimples are now polluting my face with all the annoying red spots. I ordered brocolli. rm3.00 for 5 pieces. WHAT.
After dinner, Yaw Yuen wanted to go to 7E, to buy magazine I think, so 5 of us (Yaw Yuen, Charlotte, Ning Yi, Winsy and I) walked there. It was very near. And now then I know that the building that I can see from my room's window is actually a hospital.
Neways, I got along well with Charlotte, as she is also a new student. She said she heard bout me back at her hostel. People here seems to know me without me telling them who I am. Even just now when I wanted to claim my book, the girl from the office was like, Lucky isit? Awesome. I am famous already. NOT xD
I guess God answered my prayers :D
Newbie :]
Highlight(s) for the week:
- Family reunion
- Shopping malls
- Ampang
- Marriot Hotel
It's been 5 days since I wanted to blog, but life's full of obstacles when you wanted to get something done, dont you think so?
First, I was too busy going here and there, exploring new places, shopped a lot. Then meeting new people as mom wants me to be protected here by some of her friends and let me hear advices as if the cd player got stuck and kept on repeating the same old song.
And then I get to meet my biological brother and sister from another mother. Played with my cute nephew and niece who were 1 year old and 2 months old, and 3 and a half year old. Really really cute. Fun to play with. We had a family reunion/ dinner in Tar Chong Restaurant, somewhere in Cheras and took some photos together.
That, was the moment/day when I finally get to feel the feeling of having a warm and big family whom I've never met for years. There were more of them but are scattered around Asia.
There were more to type, but might as well keep the rest to myself. I actually felt dizzy when Bro fetched us from Times Square and was bringing us to lunch. The heat/weather here can really kill a weak soul. I dont even have the energy to talk lah. Neways, on the way to his house, saw this Palace for Golden Horse. Nice resort/hotel lah. Jackie Chan/ Michael Jackson used to stay there said bro. It's a hotel where you're treated as a King/Queen.
Mom kidnapped me 3 days ago. To stay with her in aunt's house for 3 days 2 nites. As she's leaving KL by tomorrow. I've never been away from her even for a week. Now it's gonna be 3 months. How will I ever survive? Guess I'll have to be more independant from now on. Even washing my clothes feels like hell. It's tiring, yet I dont wanna send it to the dobi cz I dont trust others when it comes to washing my clothes, mom's excluded.
Here in my hostel, theKONDO house i'm leaving in, all the others live as if they have their own world. Less talk, eyes on lappy or doing their own thing. Maybe it's just me as I dont really stay at home often. But I hope things will change. Soon. David, the only guy staying with us is away until tomorrow cz his grandpa just passed away. So his mom called him so that he'll go back to Perak for a few days. There goes one friendly housemate.
Earlier today, mom woke me up cz we're goin for Hi-tea in Marriot Hotel.
That place is second to heaven lah. The scent when you first stepped into the door, it's really soothing and the hotel is like a palace. It's almost an hour or less than an hour ride from the city. Marriot Hotel is one of the hotel that has the biggest chain in the world. Awesome place. When we first arrived, there's this bride and groom there. Uncle told me that the new series in TV3, Hotelmania, had their shooting here. This, is the place where they act. They'll be in the hotel every weekends if I'm not mistaken lah.
The foods there were nice. And there's entertainment too. A group of three musketeers with the name Los Paneros (Los Panyeros) meaning, The French, will sing us any songs that we requested. Two guitarists and a guy with a Cello. They were Philipinos and had been working in that hotel for 2 years as the guests loved them so much. They normally come at lunch time and will go from table to table. They sang us for almost 10 songs. English, Tagalog, Visaya. They know how to sing in Malay and Chinese too. But if you ask them the meaning of the songs, they wont know the answer to it as they only memorize the lyrics. Very entertaining lah. They entertained us for quite some time as aunty was the manager of the hotel and uncle was the manager of Renaissence hotel. So they know each other well.
And there's a clown too. Sadly I didnt get the chance to get a balloon from him. He was busy entertaining kids on the other side.
After that, we went to Alamanda (reminds me of Alamesra lah the name), the only mall for people from Putrajaya. Uncle told me that most of the shoppers there were people working for the governments. And people who lives around there lah. When we entered, we saw cinemas and then I saw bowling alley! Quite packed though. I wanna bowl so much. Neways, went to Starbucks cz Aunty wanted to on9. We stayed there for an hour or so and it's time to send me home. Had our dinner downstairs on M Floor at the cafe. The foods are nice lah here. And quite cheap, compared to the foods outside.
After that, went up and arranged my stuffs and live the life in hell, washing my clothes.
And now I am here, typing. Bored.
Roomate is sleeping beside me now.
Will tomorrow be a better day? :]
- Family reunion
- Shopping malls
- Ampang
- Marriot Hotel
It's been 5 days since I wanted to blog, but life's full of obstacles when you wanted to get something done, dont you think so?
First, I was too busy going here and there, exploring new places, shopped a lot. Then meeting new people as mom wants me to be protected here by some of her friends and let me hear advices as if the cd player got stuck and kept on repeating the same old song.
And then I get to meet my biological brother and sister from another mother. Played with my cute nephew and niece who were 1 year old and 2 months old, and 3 and a half year old. Really really cute. Fun to play with. We had a family reunion/ dinner in Tar Chong Restaurant, somewhere in Cheras and took some photos together.
That, was the moment/day when I finally get to feel the feeling of having a warm and big family whom I've never met for years. There were more of them but are scattered around Asia.
There were more to type, but might as well keep the rest to myself. I actually felt dizzy when Bro fetched us from Times Square and was bringing us to lunch. The heat/weather here can really kill a weak soul. I dont even have the energy to talk lah. Neways, on the way to his house, saw this Palace for Golden Horse. Nice resort/hotel lah. Jackie Chan/ Michael Jackson used to stay there said bro. It's a hotel where you're treated as a King/Queen.
Mom kidnapped me 3 days ago. To stay with her in aunt's house for 3 days 2 nites. As she's leaving KL by tomorrow. I've never been away from her even for a week. Now it's gonna be 3 months. How will I ever survive? Guess I'll have to be more independant from now on. Even washing my clothes feels like hell. It's tiring, yet I dont wanna send it to the dobi cz I dont trust others when it comes to washing my clothes, mom's excluded.
Here in my hostel, the
Earlier today, mom woke me up cz we're goin for Hi-tea in Marriot Hotel.
That place is second to heaven lah. The scent when you first stepped into the door, it's really soothing and the hotel is like a palace. It's almost an hour or less than an hour ride from the city. Marriot Hotel is one of the hotel that has the biggest chain in the world. Awesome place. When we first arrived, there's this bride and groom there. Uncle told me that the new series in TV3, Hotelmania, had their shooting here. This, is the place where they act. They'll be in the hotel every weekends if I'm not mistaken lah.
The foods there were nice. And there's entertainment too. A group of three musketeers with the name Los Paneros (Los Panyeros) meaning, The French, will sing us any songs that we requested. Two guitarists and a guy with a Cello. They were Philipinos and had been working in that hotel for 2 years as the guests loved them so much. They normally come at lunch time and will go from table to table. They sang us for almost 10 songs. English, Tagalog, Visaya. They know how to sing in Malay and Chinese too. But if you ask them the meaning of the songs, they wont know the answer to it as they only memorize the lyrics. Very entertaining lah. They entertained us for quite some time as aunty was the manager of the hotel and uncle was the manager of Renaissence hotel. So they know each other well.
And there's a clown too. Sadly I didnt get the chance to get a balloon from him. He was busy entertaining kids on the other side.
After that, we went to Alamanda (reminds me of Alamesra lah the name), the only mall for people from Putrajaya. Uncle told me that most of the shoppers there were people working for the governments. And people who lives around there lah. When we entered, we saw cinemas and then I saw bowling alley! Quite packed though. I wanna bowl so much. Neways, went to Starbucks cz Aunty wanted to on9. We stayed there for an hour or so and it's time to send me home. Had our dinner downstairs on M Floor at the cafe. The foods are nice lah here. And quite cheap, compared to the foods outside.
After that, went up and arranged my stuffs and live the life in hell, washing my clothes.
And now I am here, typing. Bored.
Roomate is sleeping beside me now.
Will tomorrow be a better day? :]
New place :]
Highlight(s) for the day:

Well earlier today, after I took my bath and all that.
- I finally made it across the street
- Hostel
Just reached the hostel (Vistana Residences) an hour ago. Apparently, I'm sitting on the dining table now, blogging.
This Kenneth guy sent me here. Mom's friend's friend. He looks like he's in his late 20's or maybe early 30's. Friendly guy though. Mom said he works as an police officer. Well, hello officer. He warned me bout goin to clubs and stuffs, as he knows a lot of stewards and stewardress that goes there, smoking, drinking.
Vistana wasnt that far from our hotel though. 10 minutes ride without getting caught in any traffic jams. As I reached the hostel, I saw a chinese girl with her hair all tied up wearing white blouse and a black skirt. Chinese man wearing blue shirt and an Indian guy wearing white. Future stewardress and stewards :]
They were my seniors. Quite friendly. Mom asked a lot of questions, this and that. Gosh.
Well, one of the door got stucked and cant be opened. I think some people were stucked in there trying to get out.
Few minutes later, 2 more girls came out. And all of them went out as they have classes to attend to. Mom went away too. So this kakak and I were left in there. Kakak was trying to help the girl out of the room. Didnt really work, so we both sat outside and waited for whoever the kakak called to open the door.
Few moments later, the guy came and he managed to get the door opened.
Kakak went back to her place and it's just me and the chinese girl who was stucked in the room earlier, left in this place.
Not much of a friendly girl. Maybe she was pissed cz she got stucked and so, I didnt bother disturbing her in the room.
Not much of a friendly girl. Maybe she was pissed cz she got stucked and so, I didnt bother disturbing her in the room.
And here I am, blogging.
We didnt talk much. And guess what, we're gonna share the same room. The so called master bedroom. Great.
I rather stay in the hotel now that I am here with a girl having a bad day. I can feel the aura of pissed-ness.
Curse you door. Curse youuu~
Neways, while she was in the room, stucked, and I was here outside, waiting for the guy to come and fix it, I managed to take a few shots of this place with my webcam. Yes, I am bored here.





I decided to walk across the street to 7-eleven and buy something.
Finally, I crossed that friggin street.
It was scary and dangerous not to mention that people here drive like they dont know the existance of a car break.
Maybe I was being over reacted, but through my observation, the way they drive, is not that safe.
And crossing the streets here, any streets, is not a very good choice, if you love your life.
Well now, I dont know what to type already.
Please save me from this miserable place :)
Hello KL :]
Highlight(s) for the day:
- Airport
- New Town
Finally, after all those walking and shopping, I can finally settle down and on9.
Prepared everything around 4 this morning.
Went out around 5.30 and headed to the Airport. On the way there, saw Kev! Wakaka.
He was behind us all the way from the highway near Chua Kah Seng til Airport.
Thank you so much.
And guess what, Aubrey came too! Aww :)
Thank you both of you.
Woke up early in the morning, just to see me fly :P
Waited around half an hour juga oh kan?
Aubrey hugged me, as if I'm gonna leave forever xD
Still, thank you ahhhhh~
Muah muah both of you.
Neways, the flight to KL was so fast lah.
Faster than the last time we went there.
Maybe cz I slept just now xD
Mom and I both were sitting far apart from each other.
And guess what, nobody's sittin on my left and right. Awesome~
Well, not until mom came and sat beside me.
We arrived around 9.49am. At least that was the time on my phone.
I dont know lah whether it's right or not.
Well, I am scared of west msians lah.
They never smile. As in, never.
And I got the point of Sabah's lack of signboards Ed.
West, is rich of signboards xD
I stayed awake the whole journey to KL Sentral.
It was fast. Somehow :D
Reminds me of someone.
Sabahan people doesnt live on trees lah! :P
Amazingly, I saw lakes. I think it's lakes lah.
And some other stuffs. I wonder how I can miss all those on my last trip.
After an hour or so, we finally reached the city. Buildings here and there.
One after another. Some were still under constructions.
Cars were everywhere. Flyovers. Humans~
The city is busy.
We took a cab from KL Sentral and check in to our hotel room in Bukit Bintang.
I prefer Capitol lah momsy.
We were both unsatisfied with our hotel now. HAHA.
Well, she's gonna stay in this hotel for 3 days only what. After that, she might stay in Capitol ady.
As for me, goin to my hostel ady. Weee~
Well, mom and I went to KFC, it's on the next block.
Then we went to Sungei Wang. Mom shopped for some blouse and I bought Ice-cream!
This Turkish something2. I forgot the name lah.
Not bad lah.
And guess what, if Sabahan people speaks like French,
West people spoke like Russians.
I now know how you felt, listening to Sabahan people talk.
I dont understand what they're saying lah.
And they find it hard to understand what my mom was asking them. Oh gosh.
Will go out again tonight. Maybe.
Not looking forward to it xD
- Airport
- New Town
Finally, after all those walking and shopping, I can finally settle down and on9.
Prepared everything around 4 this morning.
Went out around 5.30 and headed to the Airport. On the way there, saw Kev! Wakaka.
He was behind us all the way from the highway near Chua Kah Seng til Airport.
Thank you so much.
And guess what, Aubrey came too! Aww :)
Thank you both of you.
Woke up early in the morning, just to see me fly :P
Waited around half an hour juga oh kan?
Aubrey hugged me, as if I'm gonna leave forever xD
Still, thank you ahhhhh~
Muah muah both of you.
Neways, the flight to KL was so fast lah.
Faster than the last time we went there.
Maybe cz I slept just now xD
Mom and I both were sitting far apart from each other.
And guess what, nobody's sittin on my left and right. Awesome~
Well, not until mom came and sat beside me.
We arrived around 9.49am. At least that was the time on my phone.
I dont know lah whether it's right or not.
Well, I am scared of west msians lah.
They never smile. As in, never.
And I got the point of Sabah's lack of signboards Ed.
West, is rich of signboards xD
I stayed awake the whole journey to KL Sentral.
It was fast. Somehow :D
Reminds me of someone.
Sabahan people doesnt live on trees lah! :P
Amazingly, I saw lakes. I think it's lakes lah.
And some other stuffs. I wonder how I can miss all those on my last trip.
After an hour or so, we finally reached the city. Buildings here and there.
One after another. Some were still under constructions.
Cars were everywhere. Flyovers. Humans~
The city is busy.
We took a cab from KL Sentral and check in to our hotel room in Bukit Bintang.
I prefer Capitol lah momsy.
We were both unsatisfied with our hotel now. HAHA.
Well, she's gonna stay in this hotel for 3 days only what. After that, she might stay in Capitol ady.
As for me, goin to my hostel ady. Weee~
Well, mom and I went to KFC, it's on the next block.
Then we went to Sungei Wang. Mom shopped for some blouse and I bought Ice-cream!
This Turkish something2. I forgot the name lah.
Not bad lah.
And guess what, if Sabahan people speaks like French,
West people spoke like Russians.
I now know how you felt, listening to Sabahan people talk.
I dont understand what they're saying lah.
And they find it hard to understand what my mom was asking them. Oh gosh.
Will go out again tonight. Maybe.
Not looking forward to it xD
Adios :]
Highlight(s) for the day:
- Last day in KK
- Alley
- Tong Hing
- 1B
- Sunset
Ahh~ What a day. Well, today was my last day in KK. At least I didnt waste the day sleeping my arse off at home :]
Told Kevin P. to be my driver for the day. Wanna go shopping.
For almost 4 hours hanging, what I got was a pair of slippers from Oxford; wrapping paper, card and paper bag from Somethin' Different. Both shops are in 1B. And I bought Belgian choc in Tong Hing. For 4 friggin hours, those were what I got.
We first went to CP to take my bowling bag, then off to Tong Hing and then 1B. Thanks for being my driver/slave for the day Kev :P
Appreciate that a lot.
Well, saw a car bumped into another car in front of us. Lazy lah wanna explain further.
Both drivers were girls, so no prob lah I guess :]
After 1B, Kev and I wanted to try the Mcd Drive thru, as we both never tried it before.
Sakai(s) xD
It was pretty normal though. The only thing that was different is that we waited for the meals in the car =.=
After that, we're off to Tanjung Aru as it's almost 5.30 pm ady.
Sunset! It's been a while since I last watched sunset.
If I din go there today, will have to wait for like 3 more months until I can smell/feel the breeze of the sea.
KL is basically a town that is far from the sea/beach. Sad lah xD
Anyways, we both went to the 3rd Beach and sat on the rocks to wait for the sun to set.
It's pretty hard to climb the rocks though, as I was wearing a dress. And it's as if we're climbing the cliffs.
But when you got up there, and sat down, climbing up those rocks, it was worth it. And the view was spectacular xD
Nature, it's been a while since I was this close to it. Not to mention that the beach, was my fav spot since 2nd year high school.
Had our McD meals there. And waited for sunset.
It was beautiful. The weather and all, perfect timing for sunset.
Neways, got home and realised that I had a lot of stuffs to bring already.
Still thinking whether I should bring my bowlbag or not.
I need guidance from the above~
Goodbye my friends :)
Will miss every one of you.
Stan and Aubrey, meet you guys after 3 months!
CP kita! :]
- Last day in KK
- Alley
- Tong Hing
- 1B
- Sunset
Ahh~ What a day. Well, today was my last day in KK. At least I didnt waste the day sleeping my arse off at home :]
Told Kevin P. to be my driver for the day. Wanna go shopping.
For almost 4 hours hanging, what I got was a pair of slippers from Oxford; wrapping paper, card and paper bag from Somethin' Different. Both shops are in 1B. And I bought Belgian choc in Tong Hing. For 4 friggin hours, those were what I got.
We first went to CP to take my bowling bag, then off to Tong Hing and then 1B. Thanks for being my driver/slave for the day Kev :P
Appreciate that a lot.
Well, saw a car bumped into another car in front of us. Lazy lah wanna explain further.
Both drivers were girls, so no prob lah I guess :]
After 1B, Kev and I wanted to try the Mcd Drive thru, as we both never tried it before.
Sakai(s) xD
It was pretty normal though. The only thing that was different is that we waited for the meals in the car =.=
After that, we're off to Tanjung Aru as it's almost 5.30 pm ady.
Sunset! It's been a while since I last watched sunset.
If I din go there today, will have to wait for like 3 more months until I can smell/feel the breeze of the sea.
KL is basically a town that is far from the sea/beach. Sad lah xD
Anyways, we both went to the 3rd Beach and sat on the rocks to wait for the sun to set.
It's pretty hard to climb the rocks though, as I was wearing a dress. And it's as if we're climbing the cliffs.
But when you got up there, and sat down, climbing up those rocks, it was worth it. And the view was spectacular xD
Nature, it's been a while since I was this close to it. Not to mention that the beach, was my fav spot since 2nd year high school.
Had our McD meals there. And waited for sunset.
It was beautiful. The weather and all, perfect timing for sunset.
Neways, got home and realised that I had a lot of stuffs to bring already.
Still thinking whether I should bring my bowlbag or not.
I need guidance from the above~
Goodbye my friends :)
Will miss every one of you.
Stan and Aubrey, meet you guys after 3 months!
CP kita! :]
Thanks :]
Highlight(s) for the day:
- 2nd blog for the day
- Banana leaf dinner!
- Pool till 2am
- Fresh air
Ahh well. Today, tonight actually, am goin to dinner with bos. He's bringing me to this banana leaf dish thing near Millenium. Krishna's fish head! Was there a "curry" there? I forgot. What I knew was, I met Uncle Krishna. The owner of the restaurant. Hilarious guy lah :]
Well, it was 7sumtin that mom rushed me out of the house. What is up with you lah mom. Neways, I told her my friend is not there yet, so she said "it's okay, let's go to tanjung aru, we go buy kacang" Wth. Yes, we went to Tanjung Aru just to buy that friggin RM2 kacang. Then went back to Millenium. It was like a big U-turn lah. Neways, arrived Millenium and waited for bos. He was on his way already. Few minutes later, saw his car passing by as he was looking out of the window with his big round eyes looking into the sky or maybe shops xD
Then I went out of the car lah moments later, met him at the restaurant. That was when I saw the so called Uncle Krishna. Gotta admit, he is a sporting and funny guy :]
Bos ordered and all. I think he ordered curry mutton. And I ordered honey chicken. He was requesting all these dishes that I dont know the name of. Thank you for serving. You've been a good servant/waiter tonight :P
We chit chatted til 10.40pm. I remembered cz I asked him what was the time, as we were the last customers there. And I needed to pee lah before we go xD
It's been nice chatting with you as a friend. Never thought that we can share all those stuffs as you were an adult. And somehow, you made me feel like you were just one like of my other teenage friends. And you shared your thoughts on love life. That, is something lah xD
It's fun arguing with you and all.
Kevin Jeremiah Chong, I did screw him a few times tonight. No worries :P
After that, I texted Kevin Perera asking whether he's still in KK9 or not, as bos loves to pool, why not let him play for a few rounds with them. I saw Matthew earlier, running here and there and passed by me, covering his face and all. Cute lah that! :P
Went up to KK9 after I'm done pee-ing, and met Kev. Well, at least bos stayed.
I know you wanted to play lah. It's just that you dont wanna admit right xD
I mean, how often do you get to play pool here in penampang? At night.
So met few of Kev's friends. Sandra, Jo, Aaron and the others, and of course, Jye, the cousy2 of Kev.
I played for a while and stoopped. As I dont wanna embarrass myself further more.
Bos played quite a few rounds lah, until 2am. We were in fact, the last 5 customers left xD
It was fun hanging with you guys, as it's my 2nd last day here.
Hey bos, I found you some new friends to hang out with in Penampang.
POOL people. Thank me lah, thank me lah :P
It was nice of you for the dinner treat. I really enjoyed the meal tonight. As it was better than my 1st time. At least, I finished my dish.
And hope you had fun playing pool with them all :)
Tomorrow, come to KK9 lah as they will be there too.
And be my sifu after I'm back from KL would you?
You were great lah with that stick! It amazed me. HAHA.
Looking forward to hanging out with you guys when I'm back in KK again.
Was planning to walk home after that as the air was fresh and all. At least I can get a peace of mind.
But Kev came dragging me back to the cars. Curse you Kevin Perera xD
I seriously wanted to walk home just now, as I can see that the guys were all getting excited on bos' housemate's car, K25.
Why bother when I can just walk home, as I've done that before.
But Kev insisted.
In the end, bos's the one who sent me home. HAHA.
Thanks for the ride bos. And for the care.
I am fine thank you :)
And Kev, thanks for asking too. I am fine too thank you :]
Do I look not fine? I just wanna walk home lah.
It's not I'm goin crazy and all.
But I appreciate your cares.
I hope both of you can hang out more lah.
Bos, Kev and his friends ARE the kind of friends that you should hang with if you're feeling lonely and all.
Go grab a drink together if you got time. They can stay awake till 4 in the morning lah.
Neways, thanks for the purple roses.
I take that as a gift, for me leaving soon.
It means nothing more than that. I hope you'd understand.
And next time, pls dont leave anything outside the house without telling me :]
Had a great night out with you bos and Kev and Sandra and Jo and Jye and Aaron :]
Muahhh people :)
- 2nd blog for the day
- Banana leaf dinner!
- Pool till 2am
- Fresh air
Ahh well. Today, tonight actually, am goin to dinner with bos. He's bringing me to this banana leaf dish thing near Millenium. Krishna's fish head! Was there a "curry" there? I forgot. What I knew was, I met Uncle Krishna. The owner of the restaurant. Hilarious guy lah :]
Well, it was 7sumtin that mom rushed me out of the house. What is up with you lah mom. Neways, I told her my friend is not there yet, so she said "it's okay, let's go to tanjung aru, we go buy kacang" Wth. Yes, we went to Tanjung Aru just to buy that friggin RM2 kacang. Then went back to Millenium. It was like a big U-turn lah. Neways, arrived Millenium and waited for bos. He was on his way already. Few minutes later, saw his car passing by as he was looking out of the window with his big round eyes looking into the sky or maybe shops xD
Then I went out of the car lah moments later, met him at the restaurant. That was when I saw the so called Uncle Krishna. Gotta admit, he is a sporting and funny guy :]
Bos ordered and all. I think he ordered curry mutton. And I ordered honey chicken. He was requesting all these dishes that I dont know the name of. Thank you for serving. You've been a good servant/waiter tonight :P
We chit chatted til 10.40pm. I remembered cz I asked him what was the time, as we were the last customers there. And I needed to pee lah before we go xD
It's been nice chatting with you as a friend. Never thought that we can share all those stuffs as you were an adult. And somehow, you made me feel like you were just one like of my other teenage friends. And you shared your thoughts on love life. That, is something lah xD
It's fun arguing with you and all.
Kevin Jeremiah Chong, I did screw him a few times tonight. No worries :P
After that, I texted Kevin Perera asking whether he's still in KK9 or not, as bos loves to pool, why not let him play for a few rounds with them. I saw Matthew earlier, running here and there and passed by me, covering his face and all. Cute lah that! :P
Went up to KK9 after I'm done pee-ing, and met Kev. Well, at least bos stayed.
I know you wanted to play lah. It's just that you dont wanna admit right xD
I mean, how often do you get to play pool here in penampang? At night.
So met few of Kev's friends. Sandra, Jo, Aaron and the others, and of course, Jye, the cousy2 of Kev.
I played for a while and stoopped. As I dont wanna embarrass myself further more.
Bos played quite a few rounds lah, until 2am. We were in fact, the last 5 customers left xD
It was fun hanging with you guys, as it's my 2nd last day here.
Hey bos, I found you some new friends to hang out with in Penampang.
POOL people. Thank me lah, thank me lah :P
It was nice of you for the dinner treat. I really enjoyed the meal tonight. As it was better than my 1st time. At least, I finished my dish.
And hope you had fun playing pool with them all :)
Tomorrow, come to KK9 lah as they will be there too.
And be my sifu after I'm back from KL would you?
You were great lah with that stick! It amazed me. HAHA.
Looking forward to hanging out with you guys when I'm back in KK again.
Was planning to walk home after that as the air was fresh and all. At least I can get a peace of mind.
But Kev came dragging me back to the cars. Curse you Kevin Perera xD
I seriously wanted to walk home just now, as I can see that the guys were all getting excited on bos' housemate's car, K25.
Why bother when I can just walk home, as I've done that before.
But Kev insisted.
In the end, bos's the one who sent me home. HAHA.
Thanks for the ride bos. And for the care.
I am fine thank you :)
And Kev, thanks for asking too. I am fine too thank you :]
Do I look not fine? I just wanna walk home lah.
It's not I'm goin crazy and all.
But I appreciate your cares.
I hope both of you can hang out more lah.
Bos, Kev and his friends ARE the kind of friends that you should hang with if you're feeling lonely and all.
Go grab a drink together if you got time. They can stay awake till 4 in the morning lah.
Neways, thanks for the purple roses.
I take that as a gift, for me leaving soon.
It means nothing more than that. I hope you'd understand.
And next time, pls dont leave anything outside the house without telling me :]
Had a great night out with you bos and Kev and Sandra and Jo and Jye and Aaron :]
Muahhh people :)
Melodies :]
25th of February Cloudy day
Highlight(s) for the day:
- Flashbacks :]
- Musics
I realised that the average time for me to blog is around 10.30pm to 12.30am recently.
Not healthy, as one of my new year's resolution was to sleep at 12am. Right after my chinese drama is over.
Well, everything didnt really went as planned. Cz once I start blogging, it'll take me for like more than an hour to finish one post. Sometimes it'll take me up to 2-3 hours. I guess I just had to go with the flow.
So long to saying goodbye to eyebags, as it's gonna stay under my eyes for a long long time.
They might become darker soon. Great.
Been thinking a lot lately. Stuffs didnt really go well in life.
Should've known, as nothing actually went the way I wanted it to be for the past few years.
Delayed... Youtube... Downloading... Saved...
Been listenin to Kesha's - Get in Line
The Lyrics were just awesome. Something. Rel...a...t... Nothing :)
Highlight(s) for the day:
- Flashbacks :]
- Musics
I realised that the average time for me to blog is around 10.30pm to 12.30am recently.
Not healthy, as one of my new year's resolution was to sleep at 12am. Right after my chinese drama is over.
Well, everything didnt really went as planned. Cz once I start blogging, it'll take me for like more than an hour to finish one post. Sometimes it'll take me up to 2-3 hours. I guess I just had to go with the flow.
So long to saying goodbye to eyebags, as it's gonna stay under my eyes for a long long time.
They might become darker soon. Great.
Been thinking a lot lately. Stuffs didnt really go well in life.
Should've known, as nothing actually went the way I wanted it to be for the past few years.
Delayed... Youtube... Downloading... Saved...
Been listenin to Kesha's - Get in Line
The Lyrics were just awesome. Something. Rel...a...t... Nothing :)
It's been playing on replay in my lappy for I dont know how many times or how long. It's really really nice. For me :) Well, will continue blogging some time tonight :]
Miseries :]
Highlight(s) for the day:
- Pendrive goes K.O
- Goin crazy already
My day was just like another jobless day of mine. Boring, is the right word to describe it.
Ahh~ Feels like it was just yesterday when I have 26 days to go till it's 27th of Feb.
And now, it's 24th of Feb already.
Reminds me of what mom told me yesterday. Well, I asked her when was the exact date that I was supposed to be borned, and she said I was 3 weeks earlier than I should. 20 days. It was supposed to be on 24th, but I kicked myself out of her womb on the 4th.
My 4gb pendrive was corrupted. OMG.
There goes my bowling videos and all.
Curse you techno.
Now all my memories of bowling are gone.
Darn it. I thought I can still watch those videos in KL. Now my hope is gone.
I really am gonna die of boredom lah in KL!
I wish miracles are true.
Hope I can still get them back. Somehow.
The only way is to pray that Coach K still saves them in his lappy or pendrives.
But anyhow, I dont think I'll get to meet him lah in these two days.
*Cries while slapping myself*
"You need to format Drive E: before you can use it"
Do you want to format it?
" [Format disk ] [Cancel] "
The horror!
Anyways, Kev sent me this link on youtube.
Sabhi Saddi - Nadiku
Been listening to it over and over again.
Nice song lah. And his sleepy eyes were pretty attractive which caught my attention xD
His voice is okay too.
He looks like Mawi lah. HAHA.
The way he sings. Full of feelings and all. *Melts*
I find myself always looking into people's eyes when they're not looking.
Just wanna look at their eyes. To see the way it curves and all.
The details. Eyelashes, brows. HAHA.
Well. Not that I'm gonna do all the looking into people's eyes thing when we're talking.
Somehow, I just try to avoid looking at them in the eyes more than 3 seconds.
Eyes, makes me weak.
I've seen so much. And there were few pairs of them that I really admired.
Big round eyes.
Their pupils that covers most of their sclera.
The way the upper and bottom lid curves .
The colour of their Iris.
Thick eyelashes.
Eyebrows that curves perfectly and smoothly.
It's just so beautiful.
Undefined beauty.
And I've seen guys with beautiful eyes.
Most of them had this "pupil covering most of the sclera" eyes.
Makes them look like an innocent child :]
Well. that's all I guess.
And to you,
you know who you are.
If you are reading this now.
Please try to understand that, what you did had cause everything that is happening now.
Regrets, will do no good.
Time will decide.
- Pendrive goes K.O
- Goin crazy already
My day was just like another jobless day of mine. Boring, is the right word to describe it.
Ahh~ Feels like it was just yesterday when I have 26 days to go till it's 27th of Feb.
And now, it's 24th of Feb already.
Reminds me of what mom told me yesterday. Well, I asked her when was the exact date that I was supposed to be borned, and she said I was 3 weeks earlier than I should. 20 days. It was supposed to be on 24th, but I kicked myself out of her womb on the 4th.
My 4gb pendrive was corrupted. OMG.
There goes my bowling videos and all.
Curse you techno.
Now all my memories of bowling are gone.
Darn it. I thought I can still watch those videos in KL. Now my hope is gone.
I really am gonna die of boredom lah in KL!
I wish miracles are true.
Hope I can still get them back. Somehow.
The only way is to pray that Coach K still saves them in his lappy or pendrives.
But anyhow, I dont think I'll get to meet him lah in these two days.
*Cries while slapping myself*
"You need to format Drive E: before you can use it"
Do you want to format it?
" [Format disk ] [Cancel] "
The horror!
Anyways, Kev sent me this link on youtube.
Sabhi Saddi - Nadiku
Been listening to it over and over again.
Nice song lah. And his sleepy eyes were pretty attractive which caught my attention xD
His voice is okay too.
He looks like Mawi lah. HAHA.
The way he sings. Full of feelings and all. *Melts*
I find myself always looking into people's eyes when they're not looking.
Just wanna look at their eyes. To see the way it curves and all.
The details. Eyelashes, brows. HAHA.
Well. Not that I'm gonna do all the looking into people's eyes thing when we're talking.
Somehow, I just try to avoid looking at them in the eyes more than 3 seconds.
Eyes, makes me weak.
I've seen so much. And there were few pairs of them that I really admired.
Big round eyes.
Their pupils that covers most of their sclera.
The way the upper and bottom lid curves .
The colour of their Iris.
Thick eyelashes.
Eyebrows that curves perfectly and smoothly.
It's just so beautiful.
Undefined beauty.
And I've seen guys with beautiful eyes.
Most of them had this "pupil covering most of the sclera" eyes.
Makes them look like an innocent child :]
Well. that's all I guess.
And to you,
you know who you are.
If you are reading this now.
Please try to understand that, what you did had cause everything that is happening now.
Regrets, will do no good.
Time will decide.
Untitled :]
Highlight(s) for the day:
- Title of the blog
- Ulcer
- Bos :]
I am writing for yesterday, which was 23rd of February. Now that it's 12.14am already, it's 24th of Feb. Crap~
Anyways, when I was gettin all ready to start writing my blog, I found myself and my fingers paused on the keyboard with nothing in mind. I cant think of any title lah as today, I was at home the whole day. Rotting. So I skipped the title and start typing "Highlight(s) for the day: - Untitled" and I pressed the backspace. Found the title. It was "Untitled". So yea, that's the story behind the title. Lame. I know :P
Neways, feels like Im gettin all tipsy lah now.
Not because of drinking. It's because of the med I just took. Yes I know it's a lil too late to take my meds now, but I forgot to take it earlier, and besides, I just finished my leftovers for like 50 minutes ago :D
Seriously, for the first time. I have nothing in mind lah.
All I can think of is my ulcer. It's killing me.
I think the meds are taking control of me now, as I am feeling so light as if my hands and fingers were flying on the keyboard. Not a good time to blog I guess.
Well earlier today, bos gave me these few links to some articles.
Nice one :)
And sorry to hear that your off day turns out to be making you feeling homesick and all.
That's why, find a girlfriend or some new friends who are not BUSY people like you :P
Sumtin popped into my mind lah.
Max and Maya. HAHAHA.
Well I still think that it's better than Jack and Jill lah.
So what, you wanna name a female dog "Jill". It's just not right :P
Oh gosh. I dont think I can continue typing again.
That's all for today.
Have a nice day people :]
- Title of the blog
- Ulcer
- Bos :]
I am writing for yesterday, which was 23rd of February. Now that it's 12.14am already, it's 24th of Feb. Crap~
Anyways, when I was gettin all ready to start writing my blog, I found myself and my fingers paused on the keyboard with nothing in mind. I cant think of any title lah as today, I was at home the whole day. Rotting. So I skipped the title and start typing "Highlight(s) for the day: - Untitled" and I pressed the backspace. Found the title. It was "Untitled". So yea, that's the story behind the title. Lame. I know :P
Neways, feels like Im gettin all tipsy lah now.
Not because of drinking. It's because of the med I just took. Yes I know it's a lil too late to take my meds now, but I forgot to take it earlier, and besides, I just finished my leftovers for like 50 minutes ago :D
Seriously, for the first time. I have nothing in mind lah.
All I can think of is my ulcer. It's killing me.
I think the meds are taking control of me now, as I am feeling so light as if my hands and fingers were flying on the keyboard. Not a good time to blog I guess.
Well earlier today, bos gave me these few links to some articles.
Nice one :)
And sorry to hear that your off day turns out to be making you feeling homesick and all.
That's why, find a girlfriend or some new friends who are not BUSY people like you :P
Sumtin popped into my mind lah.
Max and Maya. HAHAHA.
Well I still think that it's better than Jack and Jill lah.
So what, you wanna name a female dog "Jill". It's just not right :P
Oh gosh. I dont think I can continue typing again.
That's all for today.
Have a nice day people :]
Heart attack :]
Highlight(s) for the day:
- Last day of work
- Novel
Today's my 8th and last day of work. And my partner for the day was Yee Ling. She was also my partner for my first day as cheongsam girl. Awesome. We were told to walk around 1B to distribute sweets to all shoppers. There's a period of time when 1B is like zombieland to me. Where the path that Yee Ling and I walked on, had no homo sapiens spotted at all. Our back and front. It's empty. I think we were on the 2nd floor that time. 1B feels like home to me right at that moment. Where there's no one to be found in the living room, hallway, kitchen, rooms, toilets. It's just me and my musics that came from my lappy or desktop, echoing the empty house :)
Anyways, for our lunchbreak, we went to this HongKong sumtin2. Yee Ling decided where to eat today as she feels like eating rice. Okayyy :)
I was craving for porridge. Flipped thru the menu and I found none. I mean, helloo? This is a chinese restaurant lah for neptune's sake. And they dont serve any porridge? I am frustrated already just typing it. And so, I decided to order this Prawn Wantan Soup and Iced Lemon Tea for my drink. Something light. Yee Ling ordered Honey Chicken Rice and cold water :)
After lunch, I saw Kieu Wei outside the washroom. KK is small, indeed.
We went back to Center Atrium to get our basket and this Gigantic Chinese Gold Ingots.
Turns out that today was my first and last day to actually use it, as my past 7 days, I was holding the red basket :)
Hours passes by as if I can hear the clock ticking every second in my mind. Tick Tock Tick Tock... "wake up in the morning feeling like P.Diddy. Grab my glasses I'm out the door Im gonna hit this city~"
Haha. I'm feeling bored in the middle of the night already. Curse those annoyingENGINES cars.
Anyways, today we did our changing at the backstage. Ahh. Old times.
Used to change there when I was working as Santarina. All those insecurities. Afraid that some people will just open the door without knowing I'm in there changing. Saw me half naked. HAHAHA. Now I'm being dramatic. But then again, almost everytime after I changed, when I opened the door that cannot be locked, I see Kev waiting patiently outside. Aww. My sweet and full of responsibilty "manager" :D
Here's something2 I wanna share. Every time I change at the backstage, I actually change behind the door, so that when people tried to open the door, at least I am alert 24/7 and can block the door with my whole body. Pathetic? I dont know. There's 3 doors there. 2 were locked. But I still feel insecure, as it can be opened anytime by them who had the keys xD
Neways, finished work at 6pm.
We actually walked around 1B in 48 minutes. From Ground to 2nd floor. Imagine how many hours you can actually finish shopping if you go in to every shops there. You havent add the part when you decided where to eat. So yea. Imagine all the time you can waste in a mall :P
Neways, I promised bos that I would buy him icecream so that he wont cry like a baby for what happened last night and me sharing his embarassing moment in FB :P
Before that, I went to Harris to spend my one last quality time with it. Quality time it is. As I spent almost an hour there. Reading magazines. When I first stepped into Harris just now, I went to the "Bestsellers" section, was looking forward to read "If you could see me now" by Cecelia Ahern.
Guess what. It went missing. It left an empty space on the shelf. It was suppose to be next to "A place called Here", and now, it's empty. I was disappointed, thinking that some shopper might have bought it when I went working. Cz earlier today, I actually read 3 chapters already. And so, I took the other "If you could see me now" with a different cover and read a chapter. Mood was gone to read it, as it's a different book now. I guess I am quite picky when it comes to books. Different covers gives different feelings. Once reading it, it's weird for me if I read the same story from another type of cover. I dont know why xD
Placed the book where it shud've been placed and went to the magazine section to find "Seventeen". Took it and sat on the chair they provide at the corner. It's quite interesting though. It's been a while since I last read Seventeen. While I was reading, this guy sittin next to me was like "Excuse me Miss, you're alone?". And I can sense that it was me he's talking to since I am the only missy there. So i lift my head up a bit and looked at him and said "Huh. Yes. Waitin for my friend :) ", and looked at the book again. He goes "Oh. A girl? or Boy? ".
Alright. This conversation is getting a lil too weird for me. HAHA.
And I go "A boy :)". Book again. He then asked "Boyfriend?". Me, "No. Just a friend :) ".
He then put his right and forward and said "Saiful :) "
Shooked his hand and said "Lucky. "
Before he goes "what" and all that, I quickly spelled my name to him "L.U.C.K.Y". I got used to people going all confused bout my name. Laki.Lakhi.
He then responded by sayin "Oh. You're so Lucky. Haha".
And I replied him with a friendly smile for like 3 seconds and turned my eyes and head down at the book.
A good way to stop a conversation. HAHA.
Was reading thru this article of a girl who almost lost her life for saving her friends in Afghanistan and suddenly someone knocked on the window glass behind me. Edmund. It's not the first time. He did that earlier today when I was reading the novel. Haha. I guess it's not that hard if you people wanna find me in 1B. *winks*
Few miserable minutes later, he was in front of me already. Man In Black. Black shirt and pants and shoes and bag. You're more like a student than M.E. Even my mom says that you dont look 25. Is that something that you should be happy of now? xD
So we went out of Harris, and suddenly, Cecelia's novel was in his hand.
The novel that I was talking about earlier. That friggin nature-like novel.
I thought he bought it for himself, and I was glad he finally bought a Cecelia novel thinking that maybe he changed his thought of her novels, about being Gay just reading it.
Guess what. He bought it for me? Sayin that I'm goin to KL or sumtin.
I dont really digested his words as I was all shocked. Oh goshh.
I malu2 kucing again wanna take and refused to take it. Told him to take it instead and saying that he should read it.
It's not gay for you to just read it lah bos! :P
But he insisted. Awwwww~
I thank you so much lah. Very much. *Touched* :)
Was planning t0 buy it any days within this week as I am leaving this Saturday.
Was disappointed earlier today, thinking that some shopper bought that last book,
and to my surprise, you, bought it as a gift for me. How can I ever thank you.
Getting all dramatic and emotional here.
Feel it with me people. FEEL IT xD
Neways, went to Vedablu after that dramatic scene and bos told me to choose whatever flavours for him.
I got all what and what and what. HAHA. I have no idea what I had to choose. But then, he had to finished it even if he doesnt like what I choosed :P
While I was choosing the flavours, some tall guy came and talked to me, and I thought that he was talking to the two girls who are actually serving us.
I looked at him and found that he was looking at me.
He asked "you're alone?"
AGAIN? What is up with the world nowadays. I guess people are being too friendly here xD
I replied by saying, "Nop, with a friend" while pointing at Edmund that was sitting somewhere there.
He looked at Edmund for a while and then asked me "Hmm. Which flavour do you think is nice?"
And I'm like "Urmm. I'm not sure. Maybe the Cookies and Cream, you should try that :)"
He then told the girl he wanted that and goes "where are the chocolates? there's no chocolates ".
I didnt actually responded cz I think this time, he is talking to the girls, and I myself, am busy thinking of what flavours I should choose. HAHA. Sorry pelancong. Sabahan people is busy choosing icecream flavours there.
Then he was like "you're so tall. How tall are you?"
Hello, you're like 3 or 4 inches taller than me big guy :P
I replied by saying "Hee. Yea. I'm 5'7 tall"
He nodded as if he was amazed or something and said "you're a KINABALU?"
I said "yes" with a couple of noddes and smiled.
Paid and took the icecream cups and smiled at the foreigner.
Looks like an Arabic guy or Indian or whatever. He had big round eyes. Aww~
I think he waved but I had no hands to waved back at ya.
And guess what, while I was paying, that Saiful guy actually passed by with his friends and said "Lucky!" and waved.
I was like "Eh??" And smiled. HAHAHA. What a day lah.
So I choosed this Cookies and Cream, Peppermint and chocolate, Ferrero Rocher and the other one, I forgot. Vanilla I guess.
Bos choosed the one with Ferrero Rocher and I ate Peppermint and chocolate and vanilla kah that I guess.
Well, thank god he choosed that one as he said he doesnt like icecreams with peppermint kinda flavours. It tasted like medicines? What lah you people. I get that kinda comment a lot. Ah well. What gives. Hope you enjoyed it! :)
So when I reached home, went to parent's room and hung out there.
As usual. Their room is like my room too.
Odd when some of my friends said, "you hang out and spend time in your parent's room?? "
So what if it's a yes? The only time they're in their room is actually when they are gonna sleep already. Which is at night.
It's like I got the whole house to myself xD
Anyways, went out for a while, and Ting Ting (Abigael) was outside, about to do her homework.
Aunty Leony and her was in the car when mom came and fetched me just now.
So I told her to go into the room with me. It's more better there.
Asked her few questions like, wanna eat, wanna drink, you okay, you sure, eat this chocolate, nice that. HAHAHA.
Poor kid was just trying to do her homework lah Lucky.
Ahh. How fast did time passes by.
I became close to this girl 4 years ago. When mom and I and Aunty Leony and her whole family went to KL for vacation.
Back then, she was still a young kid. Very young.
So sad that the 3 nights 2 days that we spent in Genting, she was all sick and crying for suffering.
I became close to her with a smile that I gave her :)
We were in the hotel room, and she was all shy with me as I am a stranger to her.
But kids, it's not that hard to make friends with them.
Give them a smile, showing that you dont bring any threat to them and be kind, in less than a minute, you'll be friends already.
Her eldest bro was Charles (Bing Bing) and 2nd was Pierre (Wei Wei).
I became close to Wei wei and Ting ting during that trip.
Charles, not really, as he was a form5 kid already. I was in form2 that time.
Seeing them both grow, really makes me feel old lah.
Now that Wei wei is in Form3, and Ting Ting is already in primary3.
Time flies~
Gosh. I think I typed too much. I had more to type actually.
But my nails are killin me. Too long lah xD
FYI. It's 2.56am now. This freakin troublesome thing.
I saved this empty post with a title in draft at 11pm and started at 12am.
Peace Kev JC! :P
- Last day of work
- Novel
Today's my 8th and last day of work. And my partner for the day was Yee Ling. She was also my partner for my first day as cheongsam girl. Awesome. We were told to walk around 1B to distribute sweets to all shoppers. There's a period of time when 1B is like zombieland to me. Where the path that Yee Ling and I walked on, had no homo sapiens spotted at all. Our back and front. It's empty. I think we were on the 2nd floor that time. 1B feels like home to me right at that moment. Where there's no one to be found in the living room, hallway, kitchen, rooms, toilets. It's just me and my musics that came from my lappy or desktop, echoing the empty house :)
Anyways, for our lunchbreak, we went to this HongKong sumtin2. Yee Ling decided where to eat today as she feels like eating rice. Okayyy :)
I was craving for porridge. Flipped thru the menu and I found none. I mean, helloo? This is a chinese restaurant lah for neptune's sake. And they dont serve any porridge? I am frustrated already just typing it. And so, I decided to order this Prawn Wantan Soup and Iced Lemon Tea for my drink. Something light. Yee Ling ordered Honey Chicken Rice and cold water :)
After lunch, I saw Kieu Wei outside the washroom. KK is small, indeed.
We went back to Center Atrium to get our basket and this Gigantic Chinese Gold Ingots.
Turns out that today was my first and last day to actually use it, as my past 7 days, I was holding the red basket :)
Hours passes by as if I can hear the clock ticking every second in my mind. Tick Tock Tick Tock... "wake up in the morning feeling like P.Diddy. Grab my glasses I'm out the door Im gonna hit this city~"
Haha. I'm feeling bored in the middle of the night already. Curse those annoying
Anyways, today we did our changing at the backstage. Ahh. Old times.
Used to change there when I was working as Santarina. All those insecurities. Afraid that some people will just open the door without knowing I'm in there changing. Saw me half naked. HAHAHA. Now I'm being dramatic. But then again, almost everytime after I changed, when I opened the door that cannot be locked, I see Kev waiting patiently outside. Aww. My sweet and full of responsibilty "manager" :D
Here's something2 I wanna share. Every time I change at the backstage, I actually change behind the door, so that when people tried to open the door, at least I am alert 24/7 and can block the door with my whole body. Pathetic? I dont know. There's 3 doors there. 2 were locked. But I still feel insecure, as it can be opened anytime by them who had the keys xD
Neways, finished work at 6pm.
We actually walked around 1B in 48 minutes. From Ground to 2nd floor. Imagine how many hours you can actually finish shopping if you go in to every shops there. You havent add the part when you decided where to eat. So yea. Imagine all the time you can waste in a mall :P
Neways, I promised bos that I would buy him icecream so that he wont cry like a baby for what happened last night and me sharing his embarassing moment in FB :P
Before that, I went to Harris to spend my one last quality time with it. Quality time it is. As I spent almost an hour there. Reading magazines. When I first stepped into Harris just now, I went to the "Bestsellers" section, was looking forward to read "If you could see me now" by Cecelia Ahern.
Guess what. It went missing. It left an empty space on the shelf. It was suppose to be next to "A place called Here", and now, it's empty. I was disappointed, thinking that some shopper might have bought it when I went working. Cz earlier today, I actually read 3 chapters already. And so, I took the other "If you could see me now" with a different cover and read a chapter. Mood was gone to read it, as it's a different book now. I guess I am quite picky when it comes to books. Different covers gives different feelings. Once reading it, it's weird for me if I read the same story from another type of cover. I dont know why xD
Placed the book where it shud've been placed and went to the magazine section to find "Seventeen". Took it and sat on the chair they provide at the corner. It's quite interesting though. It's been a while since I last read Seventeen. While I was reading, this guy sittin next to me was like "Excuse me Miss, you're alone?". And I can sense that it was me he's talking to since I am the only missy there. So i lift my head up a bit and looked at him and said "Huh. Yes. Waitin for my friend :) ", and looked at the book again. He goes "Oh. A girl? or Boy? ".
Alright. This conversation is getting a lil too weird for me. HAHA.
And I go "A boy :)". Book again. He then asked "Boyfriend?". Me, "No. Just a friend :) ".
He then put his right and forward and said "Saiful :) "
Shooked his hand and said "Lucky. "
Before he goes "what" and all that, I quickly spelled my name to him "L.U.C.K.Y". I got used to people going all confused bout my name. Laki.Lakhi.
He then responded by sayin "Oh. You're so Lucky. Haha".
And I replied him with a friendly smile for like 3 seconds and turned my eyes and head down at the book.
A good way to stop a conversation. HAHA.
Was reading thru this article of a girl who almost lost her life for saving her friends in Afghanistan and suddenly someone knocked on the window glass behind me. Edmund. It's not the first time. He did that earlier today when I was reading the novel. Haha. I guess it's not that hard if you people wanna find me in 1B. *winks*
Few miserable minutes later, he was in front of me already. Man In Black. Black shirt and pants and shoes and bag. You're more like a student than M.E. Even my mom says that you dont look 25. Is that something that you should be happy of now? xD
So we went out of Harris, and suddenly, Cecelia's novel was in his hand.
The novel that I was talking about earlier. That friggin nature-like novel.
I thought he bought it for himself, and I was glad he finally bought a Cecelia novel thinking that maybe he changed his thought of her novels, about being Gay just reading it.
Guess what. He bought it for me? Sayin that I'm goin to KL or sumtin.
I dont really digested his words as I was all shocked. Oh goshh.
I malu2 kucing again wanna take and refused to take it. Told him to take it instead and saying that he should read it.
It's not gay for you to just read it lah bos! :P
But he insisted. Awwwww~
I thank you so much lah. Very much. *Touched* :)
Was planning t0 buy it any days within this week as I am leaving this Saturday.
Was disappointed earlier today, thinking that some shopper bought that last book,
and to my surprise, you, bought it as a gift for me. How can I ever thank you.
Getting all dramatic and emotional here.
Feel it with me people. FEEL IT xD
Neways, went to Vedablu after that dramatic scene and bos told me to choose whatever flavours for him.
I got all what and what and what. HAHA. I have no idea what I had to choose. But then, he had to finished it even if he doesnt like what I choosed :P
While I was choosing the flavours, some tall guy came and talked to me, and I thought that he was talking to the two girls who are actually serving us.
I looked at him and found that he was looking at me.
He asked "you're alone?"
AGAIN? What is up with the world nowadays. I guess people are being too friendly here xD
I replied by saying, "Nop, with a friend" while pointing at Edmund that was sitting somewhere there.
He looked at Edmund for a while and then asked me "Hmm. Which flavour do you think is nice?"
And I'm like "Urmm. I'm not sure. Maybe the Cookies and Cream, you should try that :)"
He then told the girl he wanted that and goes "where are the chocolates? there's no chocolates ".
I didnt actually responded cz I think this time, he is talking to the girls, and I myself, am busy thinking of what flavours I should choose. HAHA. Sorry pelancong. Sabahan people is busy choosing icecream flavours there.
Then he was like "you're so tall. How tall are you?"
Hello, you're like 3 or 4 inches taller than me big guy :P
I replied by saying "Hee. Yea. I'm 5'7 tall"
He nodded as if he was amazed or something and said "you're a KINABALU?"
I said "yes" with a couple of noddes and smiled.
Paid and took the icecream cups and smiled at the foreigner.
Looks like an Arabic guy or Indian or whatever. He had big round eyes. Aww~
I think he waved but I had no hands to waved back at ya.
And guess what, while I was paying, that Saiful guy actually passed by with his friends and said "Lucky!" and waved.
I was like "Eh??" And smiled. HAHAHA. What a day lah.
So I choosed this Cookies and Cream, Peppermint and chocolate, Ferrero Rocher and the other one, I forgot. Vanilla I guess.
Bos choosed the one with Ferrero Rocher and I ate Peppermint and chocolate and vanilla kah that I guess.
Well, thank god he choosed that one as he said he doesnt like icecreams with peppermint kinda flavours. It tasted like medicines? What lah you people. I get that kinda comment a lot. Ah well. What gives. Hope you enjoyed it! :)
So when I reached home, went to parent's room and hung out there.
As usual. Their room is like my room too.
Odd when some of my friends said, "you hang out and spend time in your parent's room?? "
So what if it's a yes? The only time they're in their room is actually when they are gonna sleep already. Which is at night.
It's like I got the whole house to myself xD
Anyways, went out for a while, and Ting Ting (Abigael) was outside, about to do her homework.
Aunty Leony and her was in the car when mom came and fetched me just now.
So I told her to go into the room with me. It's more better there.
Asked her few questions like, wanna eat, wanna drink, you okay, you sure, eat this chocolate, nice that. HAHAHA.
Poor kid was just trying to do her homework lah Lucky.
Ahh. How fast did time passes by.
I became close to this girl 4 years ago. When mom and I and Aunty Leony and her whole family went to KL for vacation.
Back then, she was still a young kid. Very young.
So sad that the 3 nights 2 days that we spent in Genting, she was all sick and crying for suffering.
I became close to her with a smile that I gave her :)
We were in the hotel room, and she was all shy with me as I am a stranger to her.
But kids, it's not that hard to make friends with them.
Give them a smile, showing that you dont bring any threat to them and be kind, in less than a minute, you'll be friends already.
Her eldest bro was Charles (Bing Bing) and 2nd was Pierre (Wei Wei).
I became close to Wei wei and Ting ting during that trip.
Charles, not really, as he was a form5 kid already. I was in form2 that time.
Seeing them both grow, really makes me feel old lah.
Now that Wei wei is in Form3, and Ting Ting is already in primary3.
Time flies~
Gosh. I think I typed too much. I had more to type actually.
But my nails are killin me. Too long lah xD
FYI. It's 2.56am now. This freakin troublesome thing.
I saved this empty post with a title in draft at 11pm and started at 12am.
Peace Kev JC! :P
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